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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 12:59 PM
    Would you call someone a moderate when he would leave a baby alone in a room to die after the baby had survived an abortion? Most people here already know that I'm against the stimulus and against "gay" rights. As for the stimulus packages, Ford just reported a profit, and that company refused the stimulus money. If a company is going to fail let it do that. Let it take responsibility for its own blunders. Don't let a codependent government rescue it.

    You do realize that Bush started that right? As for Ford, their European division saved their butts and the jobs lost would have made the recession a lot worse. Yeah, good idea, let it all fail. Maybe we should let the government fail as well eh? They seem to be having monetary issues now.

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  • parapup
    Apr 6, 10:20 AM
    For a programmer dealing with Terminal, Xcode, Netbeans, Eclipse, etc (not graphic intensive softwares), would this macbook air be a better deal than the 13/15" Macbook pro?


    Sure if they allow you to bump up the memory to 4GB it should be more than usable especially with the SSD. May be you will need to hook up an external disk for storage needs but apart from that it'll all be good with the i5/7 lineup.

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  • Hellhammer
    Dec 5, 03:30 AM
    hahe same here.. though i was close on the first alfa and rally challenge but the ferrari one: 1st corner you are first place and then you can just finish the race 'safe' but the lambo one... what a PITA .. it even spined out on me in a fast corner just because i went off the throttle slightly
    i already took a mental note to avoid _that_ lambo for the challenge

    Come on, Lambos are the best! :p It just requires some learning and tuning of the breaks. Love my 841hp Murcielago ;)

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  • generik
    Jul 15, 08:21 AM
    1. Notice the power plug hole at the top? Now imagine a cord running out of it. Yup, there is a reason why Apple has put it at the bottom.

    2. Top heavy.

    There are advantages to having it on top too.

    1) Hot air from components in the case rises to the top of the case..
    2) Fan in PSU vents it out of system

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  • Tones2
    Apr 11, 01:08 PM
    grrrr stop posting this macrumors, i want the iphone 5 in june!

    These MacRumors postings of availability guesses are ridiculous. Just like the projected iPad 2 delays. It'll never happen.

    Apple has always released an iPhone update in the June / July timeframe. They've created significant expectation in that regard. The smartphone market is at a critical turning point right now with Android and Win 7 phones leading the innovation and capturing bigger shares of the market. There's no way that Apple can lay back and wait until October or November - the iPhone 4 is way out of touch with the current market and will lose ground. Stock prices will tumble with no June / July release.

    I'm sure that MacRumors will post someone saying that it will be a June / July release and then back the other way and back and forth probably until release day, just like they did with the iPad 2. Heck, it's a business as well that feeds from this type of crazy speculation.


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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 11:06 AM
    Nope, he looked it up on his computer and
    told me preorders start Thursday for Radio Shack.

    However, I would love to be proved wrong on that.

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 12:30 PM
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.

    You suspected what was a copy? Had you just read the article before commenting, you would have known it was a copy.

    And you don't trust the President? Shocking.

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  • milo
    Jul 27, 11:08 AM
    No, this isn't true. All of them have a socket cpu that can be replaced.

    Absolutely not true. The laptops are all soldered. What gave you that idea?

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  • mlayer
    Mar 22, 05:29 PM
    The tablet market is going to be large, with estimates of 50 million units or more this year. Apple may get 35 million of those sales, which puts the iPad at 70%. Add to the high number of hand-downs and secondhand sales and that further reduces the number of available customers for everyone else.

    Let's say that the tablet market explodes and total sold is 60 million, with Apple getting 36 million. That's 60%, and it leaves 24 million for the others. One of the key market drivers for Motorola, Samsung, and the various Android manufacturers is the pace of iteration. Every quarter there's a new phone on one or more carriers. These manufacturers can't afford to iterate as quickly with tablets (maybe twice a year), and they don't have the subsidy model or 2-for-1's to help them while they are selling. That puts HP and RIM on much better footing compared to the Android manufacturers, and HP and RIM are leveraging their enterprise reach to get a foothold. Both HP and RIM could sell 2-3 million (5%) each.

    Samsung/Motorola/LG/Acer/HTC will have what should be a growing number of Honeycomb tablet apps, but they're all priced the same making it difficult to differentiate. Motorola tried to be a first mover with Honeycomb. Samsung is throwing various sizes against the wall to see what sticks. LG's best claim is the first to 3D. Acer has its previous experience with Windows. HTC hasn't really played in the tablet market before. In the end it looks like they'll end up competing with each other, not Apple, for that 10-20% of the market. Whoever loses will be heavily discounted on Black Friday, and the market will settle by the next CES.

    For Apple this isn't the iPod or the iPhone due to external factors. It's too early and the market is still figuring itself out. As long as Apple is setting trends and everyone else is responding, the iPad is in the catbird seat.

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  • ergle2
    Sep 14, 01:17 PM
    True (today anyway; in the NT era they were indeed separate platforms though. Which brings me to my next point..)

    Point of total (and obnoxious) pedantry here -- XP and W2K3 Server aren't strictly the same codebase; The latter was a huge rewrite job with some fairly significant internal changes.

    XP 64bit is based on W2K3, and Vista originally started out on the XP code base and then was scrapped, and was started over using the W2K3 codebase.

    It doesn't invalidate your point in any way and the latter is most definitely descended from the former, but unlike previous products they weren't released in parallel. I mention it purely because I find it interesting, and it's also an example of how Windows is "evolving", so to speak.

    I think people who say stuff like that are exhibiting a syndrome common to Mac folk who've never spent any time in the PC world -- they take negative comments they remember regarding versions of Windows or the PC experience from about 5 years back and assume they apply to today. XP, for example, really was for the most part a window-dressing of Windows 2000, but that is not the case for Vista. You see similar statements regarding "blue screens of death", overall system stability, etc, which suggest they haven't seen or used a PC since the late 90s/early 00's.

    This is very common on both sides of the divide. Many Mac-only people seem to think Windows is still stuck in the Win9x days, and many of the Windows-only types seem to think MacOS is still in the 8.x days.

    I guess it's a little like when your friend has kids and you don't see them for a few years, and you're surprised that instead of still being little kids they're teenagers... :)

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  • bedifferent
    Apr 27, 09:57 AM
    Then why are you telling me to worry about Japan and the jobless americans instead of the iPhone location database that Apple needed to address and did to my satisfaction ? :rolleyes:

    Newsflash, I can do both and did!

    What does this have to do with priorities ? Like you said : I can do both.

    No, you didn't.

    What was your point really ?

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why do people care? I have nothing to hide, and I'm surely not enough "important" for Apple to track me step by step!

    This was my point (and I think I was pretty clear when I mentioned priorities and reality). If you don't agree, move on, no need to get your panties in a bunch, just don't comment (I'm sure there are a lot of comments you disagree with so why are you gunning for me?). Moving on here, better things to do and this is a pointless matter you're making into an argument...

    You gots some demons in you chil'...

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 7, 07:07 PM
    I have two questions.

    Do you think that one of the top secret features they didn't show was a unified interface? Because the UIs they showed looked just as hodge-podged as Tiger, ie iCal and Finder still brushed metal and Mail is still plastic. They talk about Microsoft copying Aqua, but I can't think of one app that is aqua anymore! What does Aqua look like?

    Second, did the developers get a beta of Leopard? If so, won't we be hearing about whatever top secret features they didn't show? Surely one of the 4200 is a snitch!

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  • MacSync
    Aug 25, 03:14 PM
    Ahh did any one see this?


    Hmm. I've had a G5 DP worked on lately and had great support.

    *Edit Nevermind, they are linking the PC mag story too.

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  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 8, 08:17 AM
    How many times does it need to be said, "don't screw around with Apple"?

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  • fluidinclusion
    Aug 11, 06:17 PM
    These rumors surrounding the iPhone have been around for quite a while now, so I sure hope it becomes reality sooner rather than later. Who knows, if it�s really good I may actually buy my first cell phone ever. :cool:

    I have not yet bought a cell phone. This summer it would have been useful, but I've been waiting for Apple (I know it's not the best idea with no real timeline).

    The sooner it's released, the more likely the phone I buy will be from Apple.

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  • netdog
    Aug 11, 10:52 AM
    I wonder if it's going to be a toy or a real phone. I'm hoping it's more of a smartphone than a ngage phone. (i know they couldn't make a phone that bad if they tried, just tryint to get a point out there.)

    It seems to me that there may be two phones coming here. I wouldn't be surprised if one has a full keyboard, either on touchscreen or using conventional buttons, and one is simpler.

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  • satty
    Jul 20, 09:10 AM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.

    But as some already pointed out, many applications can't use multiple cores, therefore you won't get any performance improvements with multi cores.

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  • MacPhilosopher
    Apr 10, 02:21 AM
    Oh, we are totally getting an iPad app to go along with this program. I can feel it.

    I would oh-so love the ability to down-rez a Final Cut project and send it to an iPad...do all my rough cutting there...and then bring it back to the Mac and re-link it to the real footage to do the detail work.

    I've had a lot of fun playing with iMovie on the iPad. I am drooling for something similar that works as part of a Final Cut Pro workflow.

    I'm a little confused...why was Avid presenting at a Final Cut Pro User Group's meeting anyway? Do they just come in and are like "Hey, you've all made a mistake!" or something?

    I'm not so sure about the down res option, it sounds like an awful lot of time spent compressing, though I sure hope it is some type of interface, perhaps as an input device or palette.

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Jul 27, 10:33 AM
    T minus 11 days...............

    Cant wait.

    Manuel Moreno
    Jul 27, 12:59 PM
    will apple lower the actual prices of macs?
    intel is about to cut 61% of the prices of core duo's...

    Apr 5, 04:56 PM
    I'm hoping for new imacs too. And mini's. I just got a promotion at work and approval from the wife to pretty much buy whatever mac I want. Except for the high end mac pro.

    Aug 27, 05:37 AM
    For a desktop machine those iMac specs are utterly pathetic. A X1600 in 2007? Heck, it was a mediocre card 6 months ago, let alone in 6 months time. A crappy 2Mb cache C2D and both slow as hell compared to what every other desktop manufacturer will be offering?

    Crappy 2MB? LOL! So that automatically makes the current iMacs crap. And an X1650 Pro is a brand new card? 600 MHz core/ 700 MHz memory clocks (Apple will probably underclock it though :p) and 12 pixel pipes and great bang-for-buck makes the X1650 Pro the card of choice.

    The iMac is a desktop computer and Apple's only desktop computer. It should offer desktop performance, end of. What use is a crippled desktop, with all the problems of a mobile form factor but none of the advantages, to anyone? You might as well buy a Macbook.

    You mean only all-in-one. And how is it crippled? You want the GMA 950 from a MacBook? :p

    What would be competitive:

    MB: 1.83 and 2.0Ghz Merom, Integrated graphics
    MBP: 2-2.33Ghz Merom, X1800
    iMac 2.4-2.66Ghz Conroe, X1800 and LCD res upgrade
    Mac Mini: 1.83Ghz Allendale (going to be much cheaper than Merom, so if they can they will put one in) Integrated graphics
    Mac Pro: Dual 2.0-3.0Ghz Xeons

    MB: What I said
    MBP: What I said
    iMac: You'll be pushing up prices as well as getting into Mac Pro's territory. A low-end X1800 is a possibilty but considering Apple's track record for graphics cards, unlikely.
    Mac Mini: If you like liquid Mac Minis then sure :) I have even suggested that an Allendale Core 2 Duo along with a 3.5" HD should be put in the Mini but it would require a case redesign.
    Mac Pro: It's already like that.

    P.S. And you obviously didn't read what I said about cost of going from a 1.83 GHz Yonah to a 2.4 Ghz Conroe.

    Jul 14, 07:56 PM
    Why is everyone talking about overclocking these machines? To overclock, the MB has to support changing the multipliers (if the chip is unlocked, which they wont be) and/or FSB, along with voltage, etc. I doubt Apple will be providing us with such BIOS/EFI settings.

    Apr 27, 08:04 AM
    I'm glad they're fixing this "bug"

    But their response is utter crap. They know it - and now everyone knows it.

    As reports came out over a year ago about this - it's only after this tremendous bad press that they "found" it. Mhhhmmmm sure.