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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

apple desktop wallpapers

apple desktop wallpapers. Enjoy! 100
  • Enjoy! 100

  • JoeG4
    Mar 14, 04:42 AM
    Seconded, there are those of us that prefer not to fry our wrists/nads every time we decide to work/play crysis. :D

    That, and for some reason looking inside a tower gets me all giddy in a way that powerful laptop hardware doesn't. Case in point: I have a quad i7 laptop that absolutely spanks my desktop, and I love using it, but I still get a huge kick out of popping the G5 open and checking out the massive heatsinks and all that. :D

    That, and it's nice to have multiple drives/monitors/whatever without a bunch of bricks and cables all over the *@#% table.

    apple desktop wallpapers. Apple Desktop Theme
  • Apple Desktop Theme

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 17, 11:53 AM
    Me? Mad? Lol

    You sound mad

    apple desktop wallpapers. the Apple nature desktop
  • the Apple nature desktop

  • Jimmy James
    May 4, 08:56 AM
    just getting started...iPad 3!

    Exactly. Makes it sound like it's still underdeveloped.

    apple desktop wallpapers. Leather Wallpaper
  • Leather Wallpaper

  • BenRoethig
    Oct 2, 07:14 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)


    [edit: as pointed out below, this is probably not possible]
    Microsoft licenses it so Zune can play iTunes Music/Movie store content. That could be a huge boost for Zune.


    Exactly my point. If windows iPod users could transfer their iPod media to Zune and Windows media player, it would be a huge plus for them. Remember, most iPod owners don't belong to the church of Mac. We already know they are more than willing to live outside accepted ethics if it suits them.

    apple desktop wallpapers. apple desktop wallpaper
  • apple desktop wallpaper

  • longofest
    Oct 2, 03:04 PM
    As usual, any hack that will come out will probably be hard to use, and <1% of the general computer-using population will ever use it. I don't see this as a big threat, really...

    I'd say less than 10% of the general computer-using population even *heard* of the previous iTunes 'Play Fair' stuff (such as Hymn, Harmony, etc.), much less even thought of using it. Don't believe me? Ask your Mom, Grandma, non-geek friends, etc.

    More people have heard of the 'DeCSS' programs, but, again, how many have actually used them? I'd say less than 1% of the computer-using public. And most of these people, like me, would only use it to exercise 'fair use' rights (i.e. I'm going on a plane trip, and I rip a DVD I own to my HD to save battery power, then I delete the files after watching it).

    Here's the thing... he isn't making a crack for FairPlay. He is giving a "copy" of FairPlay to other stores, etc, so they can also sell FairPlay encrypted songs and movies. It is basically opening up the iPod (as far as non-programed content goes).

    Of course, Navio and Real have done similar things, and we haven't heard from either for a while. Only real difference now is that he's a big name.

    apple desktop wallpapers. Apple Desktop Wallpaper
  • Apple Desktop Wallpaper

  • GoKyu
    Apr 29, 07:05 PM
    When I read the subject, I got a little hopeful...when I saw the screenshot showing Spaces/Expos�, I really thought the "UI tweak" was that they'd let us use the old Spaces if we wanted to.

    Guess not, it's still that b******ized Mission Control...

    apple desktop wallpapers. Lots : Apple Desktop Wallpaper
  • Lots : Apple Desktop Wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    Apr 1, 10:53 PM
    Thanks. I should be there tomorrow night. Looking forward to it!

    apple desktop wallpapers. apple wallpaper desktop hd.
  • apple wallpaper desktop hd.

  • twoodcc
    Dec 10, 06:49 PM
    i took my asus rig apart (that i bought from best buy) and put it in the old case i had. i added 3 fans to it, and i have it running at 3.8 ghz with temps right around 70 C. it has an H50 cooler in it.

    so that's 2 rigs that will be running bigadv units now. i'll keep it at that though. my third i7 920 is running a web server, so just advmethods on it

    apple desktop wallpapers. Metallic Apple Desktop
  • Metallic Apple Desktop

  • phineas
    Oct 7, 09:04 AM
    Surprised this hasn't been noted here yet...

    USAToday interviewed (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/wireless/2009-10-06-verizon-google-android_N.htm)the Verizon Wireless CEO about their new Android partnership, and got an extra comment:

    Real, or just pushing ATT's buttons so they have to pay Apple more? Who knows.

    Hopefully its real, and Apple does bring the iPhone over too Verizon.

    apple desktop wallpapers. 60 Best Apple Wallpapers
  • 60 Best Apple Wallpapers

  • Badandy
    Jan 10, 12:25 AM
    iphone with a better camera. that 2 megapixel camera is outdated.

    Who cares?

    apple desktop wallpapers. Apple Desktop Wallpaper :
  • Apple Desktop Wallpaper :

  • DotComName
    Apr 29, 05:41 PM
    thank God! that slider was stupid for sure!

    apple desktop wallpapers. apple desktop wallpapers.
  • apple desktop wallpapers.

  • CristobalHuet
    Mar 28, 02:34 PM
    If you don't want the free publicity, then don't submit your app to the Mac App Store.

    Of course, all the haters will cry foul.

    Couldn't have put it better myself

    apple desktop wallpapers. Mac Desktop Wallpaper. Apple
  • Mac Desktop Wallpaper. Apple

  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 05:53 AM
    Functionality? You can't do absolutely anything with Windows out of the box without downloading extra software.

    What can you do with your newly bought Windows PC?
    Scan for viruses with a 30 day trial of Norton.
    Notepad, Paint.

    What can you do with your newly bought Mac?
    iPhoto, iMovie, Garageband, iDVD, iWeb.

    That's not entirely true. When you buy a new mac you get iLife, with a new PC, you get office, windows live suite (ilife competitor), other apps including anti-virus. So you can't say that "ou can't do absolutely anything with Windows out of the box without downloading extra software."

    You get the same or similar level of functionality when buying a new computer. Apple gives you iLife, PCs you get office, and other stuff.

    apple desktop wallpapers. Apple MacWorld Desktop
  • Apple MacWorld Desktop

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 12, 08:23 AM

    apple desktop wallpapers. Apple Desktop Background
  • Apple Desktop Background

  • mozmac
    Oct 6, 10:46 AM
    Finally, a Verizon commercial that I like!

    apple desktop wallpapers. as a desktop wallpaper by
  • as a desktop wallpaper by

  • ChaosAngel
    Apr 2, 12:26 PM
    Good points and for the me the Apple ecosystem is very important (something Microsoft doesn't have). However, looking purely at the operating system itself, I can always remember first showing my "Windows" friends OS X (even in the early days) and them being blown away by how amazing it was. These days I don't see that same excitement (really since Leopard) and the gap between OS X and Windows is now much closer.

    I wonder if we will hit a point when the OS X guys/gals look at Windows in amazement? To far? :)

    I just hope Lion brings more then what I am seeing in the Developer Builds. Don't get be wrong it's looking like a great OS, but is it the leap I was hoping for? Not yet...

    apple desktop wallpapers. Apple Desktop Wallpaper
  • Apple Desktop Wallpaper

  • skunk
    Apr 21, 11:49 AM
    Apathy would be not clicking anything.If I want to revert to apathy from a previously engaged stance, I can't. I have to actively disapprove or actively approve.

    apple desktop wallpapers. black apple wallpaper
  • black apple wallpaper

  • Josias
    Aug 1, 10:49 AM
    Gjennom E&#216;S (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Economic_Area)-avtalen... :(

    &#216;v pis! Dumme Nordmand! I skal altid &#248;del&#230;gge det, n&#229;r vi andre har det sjovt! :p

    Nah, I just hope Apple passes, like in France...:rolleyes:

    apple desktop wallpapers. Desktop Wallpapers middot; Apple
  • Desktop Wallpapers middot; Apple

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 09:09 AM
    If you have nothing to add to the discussion, don't post. Your act is wearing thin.

    I did have something to add, my opinion, which I am more than entitled to state just as much as you do.

    This guy had arms and legs. He could've at least tried to defend himself, but he chose not too, which I dont understand why...

    If I were attacked, my first instinct would be to fight back or run.

    Jan 15, 04:41 PM
    I really liked Time capsule, I'm buying one.

    May 2, 09:59 AM
    Not that I really care about the tracking services...but I wonder if Apple will skip the 3G again with this update...

    In case you didn't catch it, 4.2.1 was the last firmware ever for the iPhone 3G. The hardware simply can't handle more features.

    Sep 8, 09:22 AM
    Love Kanye, good performance, wrong crowd.

    Nov 24, 03:53 PM
    just got the macbook with nextday shipping, not bad. 101.00 off

    can't beat it if you want it quick.

    wish they did the discount to the refurbished units, but you can't win them all.

    I can't believe they charge tax on shipping, thats just wrong... shipping should be flat fee after tax........

    Aug 1, 04:26 PM
    I have always thought Apple would eventually open up it's DRM of their own free will. At this time, there is no serious competitor to the iPod/iTunes combo. Should serious competition arise, perhaps sometime Zune, the iPods inability to play music from other sources will be a competitive disadvantage.
    However, as a philosophical issue, I have a problem with any government interfering like this in a free market! Sometimes such interference is necessary to prevent harm to the public, but I don't see where this is the case with the iPod. It doesn't cause injury to the user, ( if you heed the volume warnings ), and there are alternatives. Those who don't like iPod/iTunes locking them in to one player are fully free to use the alternatives!]

    It is a fine line. But really apple is flirting with needing the goverment to step in. Goverment waits to long to do anything and the damage is permant and compition is hurt for years to come. A good example is M$ got nailed for it but that didnt change the fact that it made the software the domante force on the market and they didnt have to give up the market share they took.

    a completely free market is bad plan and simple. So is the other direction of the goverment controling everything. it has to be a balance bettween the 2. I am of the opinan that it is getting to the point in just DRM that it is getting close to the time where the goverment needs to step in and help clean up some of the mess before it gets out of hand and all they can do at most is damage control. Right now there is still time to prevent the damanage from happening. Apple got there market share power and now they are getting near to virtual monoploly standing in both the mp3 player market and online music store. Once you cross those lines and become a virtual monoploly in a market the rules change. No longer is using the power in one market to effect the other legal. (so Apple cannt use iTMS to effect ipod sales and ipod to effect iTMS sales as it does now.)

    I also like to point out as people say pull out of those country you have to rememeber that they are just the first countries to pass these laws and THEY WILL NOT BE THE LAST. So should apple pull out of every country that pass those laws. Some how I think that is stupid idea. I expect in the next few years to see all of the EU have laws forcing open DRM and now you are talking about a large enough market that it really will effect the bottom line. And at some point the US is going to pass laws forcing open DRM. Now think about it. Apple can burn there bridges now or releliez this is where the market is heading weather they like it or not. Now either move now and deal or pay the price in permate damage down the road.