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Thursday, May 19, 2011

wallpapers for your phone

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  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 11:09 AM
    isn't there perhaps an easier solution to this? Why don't we either talk to one of the moderators on here or someone who doesn't mind can go onto apple's website and the direct link to the feed when it is up.

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  • clientsiman
    Apr 2, 12:34 PM
    It's too early to compare those two OS.

    I like using both OS X and Windows. I am not impressed with Lion so far. (From what I have read, as I haven't try it). I hope Apple has same surprises to show in the WWDC.

    I am really looking forward to see what Ubuntu can achieve till next year. I am not sure if I like the new Unite shell but I agree that Ubuntu needs to create something new and stop copying OS X and Windows.

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  • Azathoth
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    I have to laugh at the people worried that one day Apple will cut off software access in OS X. Apple said they won't do that. That would be bad for business. It makes no sense.

    It makes no sense - until it does...
    e.g. PowerPC support in SL, FW support is waning. Apple does not make, or support, things for the "long tail"

    The main things I need from Lion are:
    TRIM support for 3rd party (my SSD is definately slowing down)
    Better Samba support

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  • By your hand. On your phone.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 04:27 AM
    Look, your attitude really needs some adjustment Nekbeth. I have not asked a single trick question. My questions have all been about trying to understand what it is you're trying to do and what problems you are facing. You have been less than clear this whole time.

    I think part of that problem is that you're thinking "I'm a newbie, these guys are pros, I'll probably get help but end up being laughed at". Seriously, if I want to laugh at people, I'll just head over to the news discussion. Those guys are a riot. And I'm not a pro at all. Sure I've been doing this for 15 some odd years in one form or another, but never as a job, only as a hobby.

    The programming forum is full of newbies. I was a newbie once too. We all start somewhere and it's no laughing matter. I wouldn't spend all this time trying to figure out what it is you're doing wrong if it was only to laugh at you in the end.

    Relax and try to realise we want to help you, otherwise we wouldn't be posting here. Now listen to us. We need your help too. As Pros, there are things we know that you might not, and you need to be clear and specific about your problem and what you're not understanding.

    Now I'll try to take a look at the code you posted (I just got up and I need to get to work) and see if I can dig out something if someone doesn't do it faster than me.

    wallpapers for your phone. By your hand. On your phone.
  • By your hand. On your phone.

  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    You think I'd be that harsh?! I'm almost offended :P

    Forgive me, i'm getting paranoid :)

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  • dsnort
    Aug 2, 02:06 PM
    Stop being such asses and realise that proprietary DRM on music, video, pictures or digital books is a really, really, ridiculously stupid thing for consumers and society. I'd rather have no DRM, but if we have to, let's make it something that everyone can use.

    Also... this isn't being driven entirely by Apple. The content owners are as much, if not more to blame. We all need to start speaking up about this or we're going to REALLY regret it in a few year's time.

    That's just wrong on so many levels. I wish I had more time...

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  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 09:48 AM
    Um, am I missing something here?

    That is a completely different song??? And I don't understand what you're trying to say.

    The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way yall need Jesus
    So here go my single dog radio needs this
    They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
    That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
    But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
    Well let this take away from my spins
    Which will probably take away from my ends
    Then I hope this take away from my sins

    He's saying bla bla bla, God help me in one song, then cursing and using the overly said "n" word. It sounds like he's sending 2 different messages.

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  • wtmcgee
    Sep 25, 11:05 AM
    Seems like a solid update to Aperture. I'm curious to see if there is a flickrexport-type feature included in this plug-in api mentioned. That's the one thing I miss from when I previously used iPhoto.

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  • lordonuthin
    May 10, 08:04 PM
    well i wouldn't say that. it wouldn't be as big of a deal if i was at the machine everyday, then a quick change of a few settings and it's back up. but being away, this is not fun.

    It will be easier once you get moved.

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  • to your mobile phone

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 06:06 PM
    I got it wlh99, thanks. I have two timer working fine (finally :) , I was told that you can't reuse the same timer, hence the 2nd timer. There is one Start button and one Cancel button

    Now I'm trying to find a logic to turn the 1st timer ON while the 2nd is OFF, then if you press Cancel you invalidate that 1st timer.

    I have both timers starting at the same time. So, i'm sure I could work it out using an if /condition statement.. something like :

    // *myTimer is the 1st timer
    // *newTimer is the 2nd timer

    if (myTimer != newTimer) {

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  • for your mobile phone.

  • janstett
    Oct 18, 12:21 PM
    [merged posts]

    wallpapers for your phone. Please ensure your phone is
  • Please ensure your phone is

  • *LTD*
    Apr 10, 09:36 AM
    man you post that and then make me fire up IE so I can read his trolling post and remind myself why I have him on the ignore list. Quick skim and just reminded me not to take him off.

    Reason for IE being fired up is that is my only browser on this computer that I do not have set to Autolog in.

    From an earlier date:

    read threw it. Seems to me just like standard Apple Fanboy post trying to twist the truth from what it really is.
    Suggest you link to an article that is not trying to hide behind that fact.
    Reminded me yet again that i should of just left you on my ignore list. Back you go.

    There are other examples.

    Dude, commenting on my posts and then announcing to everyone you have me on Ignore means you're not ignoring my posts.

    Just sayin. But I'm quite flattered by your continued attention.

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  • Mord
    Apr 27, 01:19 PM
    Where to start....

    - How about the definition of "Gender".... I am not talking about "Gender roles" or "norms" or any of that. I am speaking ONLY about the scientific aspect of "Gender".
    Case in point: Lets say a transgendered individual is stricken with a life threatening ailment. Now we all know that certain illnesses are more prone to certain genders. The doctor asks you what gender you are, in order to diagnose and cure you before you die. No matter how much you are convinced that you are actually gender "X" despite being born gender "Y", you are still going to be disposed to illnesses that effect gender "Y".

    Anyone care to debate that?

    Another thing- I find it very interesting how quickly you guys started to assume I'm being "narrow minded" and how I need to "broaden my horizons"...

    I find it even more interesting that you jumped to the same conclusions (prejudicial conclusions, perhaps) despite my twice stating that I support transgender rights and that it is not a personal choice but an inherent predisposition.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender it's all a bit grey there....

    Having been a transgender individual in a potentially life threatening situation a couple of times, generally I informed them of my medical history like any sane patient would.

    You're focusing on selective binary aspects of sex in a topic relating to transgender people, do you not think that this could be seen as somewhat offensive and inappropriate?

    As I said, I am what I am, I'm fine with that, I just don't appreciate you "helpfully" pointing out that there are certain aspects of sex-differentiation you can't erase.

    That does not mean you're not being a douchebag when you directly or indirectly call a transsexual woman a man or male, even citing your oversimplified ideas of sex and gender. It propagates a culture that sees us in terms of our troubled history rather than who we are and in some cases will be.

    Does that make things clear for you? I'm not trying to be confrontational for the sake of it.

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  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 04:20 PM
    The fact is that while there are a select few of us (don't kid yourselves, the people who post on this forum represent a tiny fraction of Apple's customer base, albeit a loud fraction) that know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo, the VAST majority of users and customers neither know nor care. And to be perfectly honest, the speed difference in 99% of the things people use their computers for are unnoticeable. Try it for yourself. Web pages load at the same speed, email is sent at the same speed, and IM's come and go with the same frequency.

    While I agree with some parts of your statement, I disagree with this paragraph.

    The MBP is a Pro machine. I'd be willing to be that most of Apple's pro user-base does know the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo.

    As for your comment about speed of a basic user's appications - Safari, AIM, Word, Solitaire - you're right. But you're assuming a basic user would buy an MBP. A Pro user would presumably use these things along with others, like Logic Audio, Final Cut, etc.

    And as a minor technicality, sending IMs and loading web pages depend on the speed of your internet connection, not your processor.

    I predict MBPs will be out sooner than you might think, otherwise Apple risks being scoffed at by the technology community, all of which are releasing C2D computers, whether their users know/don't know or need/don't need it. Apple doesn't play psychological games like that with their users.


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  • ChaosAngel
    Apr 16, 02:18 AM
    I've attempted to highlight the main new features that have been leaked for Windows 8. I have to say, things are looking good:


    I am especially a fan of "portable workspace" and "factory reset". Hopefully they make the release version.

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  • Wallpapers for your Android

  • jetjaguar
    Apr 9, 07:04 PM
    typophone 4 and typophone weather
    It works well with the current jb 4.3.1 since there is little black bar that shows up on lockscreen wallpapers that are not plain black.

    how do you change the weather location .. ive looked everywhere ..
    when i click on the actual weather on the lockscreen all i have is maryland and greece ?

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  • blitzkrieg79
    Nov 16, 03:10 PM
    Personally, I would be surprised if they didn't eventually use AMD CPU's.

    1. Digg had an article on AMD's line of upcoming CPU's which are CPU's and GPU's on one die. Given Apple's history of pushing more and more onto the video cards, this new line seems perfect for Apple.

    Link: http://www.hardocp.com/news.html?news=MjI0OTUsLCxobmV3cywsLDE=

    P.S. Just went to digg to get the link, and AMD is moving to 65nm in 2007. faster, less heat.
    Link: http://hardocp.com/news.html?news=MjI0OTcsLCxobmV3cywsLDE=

    Thank you for providing those interesting links and slides of AMDs future roadmap, this should go well with Anandtech article (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2379&p=12) and the fact that AMD just released a stream processor board (http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/11/14/amd_stream_processor/) to show all the people that CELL processor is the blueprint for future processor development and well ahead of it's time. It will require new programming techniques and algorithms but we will also see new levels of performance. And yes, I am a CELL processor fan boy, 5 years from now everyone will be without even realizing it. :p

    EDIT: Ah I almost forgot, AMD and IBM have a close relationship, they have worked and are working on many projects so I guess there might be some connection in it afterall.

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  • Zwhaler
    Apr 15, 09:55 PM

    Owned that's all I have to say...

    wallpapers for your phone. To slap this wallpaper on your
  • To slap this wallpaper on your

  • Lennholm
    Apr 16, 08:53 AM
    I dislike it when people keep saying that line over and over. Does competition really make products better? Where's the truth in that? If it's truly the case, why do we still see half-baked consumer products for the end user?

    If anything, I feel that there seldom really is a better product for us because of competition. A competing product with better specs does not necessarily result in a better product. And frankly, judging by the gadget industry, Apple's been releasing consumer-satisfied products left and right despite better (in specs) products being released by their competitors.

    Okay. So did competition [from other manufacturers] make Apple release a better product? No. Because from how the Internet reacts, every other manufacturer outspecs Apple and Apple "overcharges for something you can get with much more for much less"

    But Apple does release products to get with the times, however, I feel that Apple products don't need high-end specs to provide consumer satisfaction.

    Besides, the iOS today looks the same as the iOS from the iPhone 1 but with upgrades. Did competition spur Apple into doing the upgrades? I doubt it. They seem to have their own idea of where to direct their OS. Honeycomb on the other hand looks and functions very differently from Froyo. That [design decision] instead seems to be driven by competition.

    It's hard to know what features Apple wouldn't have included in the latest gen of a product if it hadn't been for competition. Maybe iPad 2 wouldn't have had the improved GPU if it had zero competing products.
    One thing I'm certain of, iOS would still not have had personal hot spot if it hadn't been for the competition from Android.

    Nov 16, 02:33 PM
    i think it would be a great idea for apple to merge with AMD

    Apr 21, 12:11 PM
    It is against forum rules to simply reply "+1": what on earth is the difference between that and clicking a button to say "+1"?

    I never knew that... Oops I have done that once or twice (but only once or twice) just to say that I agree.

    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    Yes, Facebook really needs a dislike button!!!!

    P.S. (I finally figured out how to do multiple quotes in a post!) :rolleyes:

    Apr 12, 08:41 AM
    So office starter has ads in it - ewww :eek:. I didn't know that. I'll be sure to avoid that edition if I'm in need of MS office running in windows.

    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


    Mar 19, 03:25 AM
    I can't believe how much smugness is in this thread. It almost makes me ashamed to call myself an iPhone owner.

    Sure, it is the best-looking phone on the market, but come on people... it's still just a phone. It costs the same amount as any other new high-end phone with contract ($199, which is what I paid for my RAZR 2 when it came out). The OP perceiving other people's difference in taste (they chose Android) hardly equates to "envy". All phones have their pros and cons, and people choose what they want accordingly. The fact that you even came to that conclusion of "they envy me" just contributes to how smug you are.

    It's great that you love your phone. I love mine too. But don't be so full of yourself... that's what gives iPhone owners a bad name, hence the stereotype.

    So again, it's a freaking phone... It's not a status symbol.

    Apr 15, 02:26 PM
    How is "gay history" different than regular history? lol