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Monday, May 16, 2011

tattoos 3d

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  • emoeric
    Dec 13, 10:58 AM
    FIRST 4G iPhone!

    Sprint? Dun Dun dunnnn!!!!!

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  • Object-X
    Sep 25, 11:29 AM
    Adobe is almost getting as bad as Microsoft at delivering software. What's up with Darkroom? It's been in beta for over a year, meanwhile Apple has been steadily improving their product. Granted, some might feel that Aperture was so bad it should have been beta, but at least Apple took the chance to innovate in this space.

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  • 3D Tattoos

  • fivepoint
    May 4, 03:34 PM
    Because being a homosexual is just like owning a gun. They're both choices. :rolleyes:

    Being a choice has nothing to do with it. Having African American genes in your bloodline isn't a 'choice' but it does make you at higher risk for certain diseases. Maybe the NAACP wants to sue and prevent doctors from asking if people have black heritage?

    How about we just let the doctors do their freaking job and let the customers choose doctors that they feel do the job right? What a crazy notion. Let the free market figure it all out instead of the sickening bureaucratic mess displayed in the quoted article and many others we could dig up if we tried. We should just realize that government isn't the solution, it's the problem.

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  • 3D Tattoos

  • milo
    Sep 12, 08:01 AM
    The Stores seem to be listing MacBook delivery times as 5-7 working days. Is that normal or has it been increased? If it's an increase might that suggest a speedbump or something? There's not been much rumour activity around that though.

    Not at this event.

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  • petersays
    Jan 15, 02:25 PM
    Ok. Here are some thoughts.

    I definately see where the MBA will fit in their product line and i do not doubt they will sell very well.

    Time Capsule looks really great, especially when you can avoid using Time Machine and just use it as ye olde 802-11n external harddrive on 1 TB. But too expensive here in Sweden. May pick one up on travel if given the chance. (Or buy it thru my company and deduct VAT)

    Biggest letdown is that they totally ignore their high end users. The idea of introduing the Mac Pro without updating the ACDs, or at least lowering the price to 60% or something, is plain ignorant. Same goes for the MBP. I feel sorry for you who have been waiting for an update very long now.

    Im still happy with my MB i bought in november, but im in BAD need of an external LCD and i really wanna go with Apple. they just wont let me.

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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 11, 06:24 AM
    -Lion has Arabic support. They're targeting the Middle East.

    Even Mac OS 8.1 had arabic support. That was 1998.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 02:31 PM
    While I agree with you overall, I think there have been plenty of features that NeXT-Apple has teased, but not ultimately delivered on. "Home on the iPod" is one and "resolution independence" is another, I'm sure there are more but these are two that might actually have mattered to me.


    I think 'Home on iPod' might be coming in iOS 5.

    But yes, Resolution Independence did matter to me a lot. But somewhere, I feel that it might not be the best thing available; but still Mac OS X has better capabilities of displaying content than windows (incl. windows 7) although I really think win8 will be a game changer in this regard; they have had tones of time, now.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    May 3, 09:31 PM
    The other "if you asked" commercial was strange. It goes:

    Samsung: If you asked "can we copy your ipad?", we would have said no.

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  • 3D Tattoos For Girls Image

  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 08:59 AM
    Local people and conservation societies defended the building as a unique witness of the region's architectural development. It's not a particularly pretty building but it's certainly one with some history around it. ... But leaving the building to the elements with no maintenance is in my opinion wrong, immoral and a disregard of what property ownership should be about. ... If Jobs wanted a modern building ... then he should have got his rich ass moved to another large plot and built his modern glassbox there, after he sold Jackling House to somebody who wanted to live in that and respect local conservationist's and planning authorities' wishes.

    I appreciate the sentiment. Anything which has outlived its owner[s] should be given some consideration & deference for historical value. One should treat antiques with respect the spirit of its creation and prior ownership, not just abusing/mangling/destroying it out of a sense of "it's mine so I can do what I want with it." Problem is: where to draw the line, and drawing the line is the prerogative of the current owner.

    Are the locals & conservators doing so out of genuine concern for the Jackling House? Is it in fact a worthy part of history, or a notable example? or are they closer to naysaying for the self-serving benefits thereof (striving for relevance, trying to keep a billionaire off the street, whatever)? I'm guessing somewhere in the middle: yeah, a mansion of a distinct style is worth consideration for preservation, and those insisting thereon need something to insist thereon lest their relevance evaporate.

    Leaving it to rot shows poor character, either by not caring for what one owns (disrespectful of one's own efforts and possessions) or as a tactic against busybodies (a nasty you-can't-make-me tone). It's his, it should at least be in nice enough shape to have lunch or spend a mundane night there. FWIW, I've owned a remote home, so appreciate the annoyance of long-distance maintenance.

    Comes down to the fact that it's located in a high-price-tag area, and the value of the land alone exceeds the building's historical value. We don't know if anyone would have paid the millions to live there, and can be sure nobody would have paid the millions to preserve it for its own sake. The only reason AFAIK anybody is taking an interest in it (ex.: we're talking about it here) is that Steve ***** Jobs is about to destroy it. That a tiny number of people may have genuine interest in preserving either Spanish Revival or Jackling artifacts IMHO just does not give enough weight to overrule the house's owner. If they can't come up with enough of their own money (NOT coerced taxpayer-confiscated funds) to buy it outright or at least relocate it, and there isn't any other broad compelling reason (we're talking Jackling here, not Tesla, and Spanish Revival, not F.L.Wright), then fire up the bulldozers. Fact is, there just isn't that much desirable acreage in that region suitable for a billionaire's estate; "go somewhere else" holds little traction when proximity to Apple's campus is vital and there isn't much else suitable.

    As I start to peek "over the hill", my perspective of preserving works is changing. Much has sentimental value, but little warrants outright indefinite preservation. Jackling was one man, long gone; time for his spiritual successor in business success and industrial influence to take his place and leave a new mark.

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  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 7, 09:24 AM
    Hello all! This is an interesting debate... I think both OSes will be powerhouses by the time they're released. However... Microsoft's upping the ante with Windows 8, it seems. Had I seen this thread, I would have posted this (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1132758) here, instead... oh well.

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  • b166er
    Mar 17, 05:51 PM
    I am constantly berated by some of my friends because I have an iPhone. Yet every time they go to show me a video or something from the web on their droids, their phones crash and reboot. I know not ALL android devices are like that, but every time I see that happen it just reminds me of the benefits of having your software and hardware designed by the same company.

    the iPhone is definitely not for everyone, but I have no complaints.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 09:42 AM
    So, please don't take everything I typed and generalize it, because it's not for everyone.

    I do understand where Dejo, Balamw and the others are coming from though. And frankly, they are probably better suited to help you than I am. I don't have a lot of experience with Objective-C and Cocoa, not like they do, having mostly come into it recently.

    Back to the code, here is a photo of my connections (ignore canceBigtimer). What you say is true I don't know how NSTimer works entirely , just some parts, I realize that and it is one of the reason I postpone my timer for a future update (need to study it).

    I have two timers, because, like I said.. I don't have full knowledge of timers. I know now that 1 timer is enough, even if I use two timers and start them at the same time, the log only shows 1 loop and the countdown in separate labels show e.g. 59 in one and 58 in another and so on.

    Ok, how about we work on making 1 timer work then ? The code you posted is very complicated and I don't think it has to be this complicated. Going 1 timer would simplify this.

    I see your Start Button is associated to 3 actions. Is this really what you want ? Let's simplify this. As an exercise, make 1 method, call it startTimer (like I did) and have only that action associated with your start button. From there, you can call the other methods yourself as needed.

    Once you have modified the code in this way, post again what you have in full, what it is doing and what you think it should be doing. We'll go from there.

    You mention my two global variables, It makes sense that the timer does not stop because the variables are outside the method that creates the timer. is that whats going on?

    No, the variables are "fine" where they are. They would be better positionned in the @interface block and declared as instance variables, but implementation scope globals work too.

    What you need to do however is reset those if you want your timer to start back at 0. Somewhere in your "stop/reset" code, there needs to be an initialization of those back to 0 :

    seconds = 0;
    minutes = 0;

    If your Cancel button is what should reset it, then this should be right now in newActionTimer. But ideally, we'll get rid of that function when you simplify the code down to 1 timer.

    Look at my NSLog outputs in my screenshot earlier. There's 3 methods there. updateLabel, cancelTimer, startTimer. This should have given you a big indication of how not complicated you should have made this.

    If you want 3 buttons, start, reset, stop, you'd technically need 4 methods, as follows :

    -(IBAction) startTimer: (id) sender;
    -(IBAction) stopTimer: (id) sender;
    -(IBAction) resetTimer: (id) sender;
    -(void) updateLabel;

    One to update the label as needed, one to start the timer, one to stop it and one to reset it.

    Also, NSTimer is not your timer. The timer is what you are creating with ATimerViewController. You need to grasp this. NSTimer simply calls methods, in this case, it should be update label. That's about all it should be doing. Both the stop and reset methods should release the NSTimer object instance. startTimer should always create a new one. However, reset should be the one to set back seconds/minutes to 0.

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  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 05:03 PM
    Whatever you are attempting to sell is failing the 'smell' test (if you follow me). You do not know the man I am fairly certain. I am always suspicious about how well screwed on people are, who see others as mindless droids and cannot keep their bowel movements under control. :confused:
    Well, if you haven't met any of these mindless droids, consider yourself lucky. I've met enough of them to be sufficiently spooked. I've got a couple of them on a forum I moderate; one has a link to Apple store in his signature and spends most of his time posting the most contrived lies about Windows you could imagine (how you cannot switch a PC on without being drowned in a barrage of viruses etc), and the rest of his time coercing PC users into switching. It's quite clear from his descriptions of Windows he hasn't touched a PC since circa 1996, and any assurances that Windows has come a long way in terms of stability and security since Win95 are met with a kind of "lalalalalalalala...." At one point he insisted that a Mac Mini G4 1.42GHz is much faster than any PC ever made. When faced with real life benchmark tests where a midrange PC blasted the Mini into oblivion, he maintained that it was due to poor knowledge of Mac optimization on the part of the developers (whom I know to be Mac enthusiasts who port the software to Windows). This is just one example, over the years I've stumbled across way too many to list here.

    It's great that people are enthusiastic about products, and most Mac users are regular joes who are just that, but it is my personal opinion that there also exists a 'Church of Apple' with 'members' who are smug, patronizing, holier-than-thou, basking in the glory of some perceived exclusivity and enlightenment, borderline brainwashed lodge brothers with a special handshake. It sickens me to no end. Again, this is merely one man's opinion, I know you wouldn't agree so let's just leave it there.

    Regarding Steve, you're darn tootin' I don't know him. Only seen him in blurry keynote webcasts.

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  • adder7712
    Apr 6, 05:32 PM
    Who likes looking at ads?

    I practically have an equivalent of AdBlock on all browsers that I use regularly...

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  • Erwin-Br
    May 3, 05:47 PM
    So maybe, just maybe you fandroids out there, Apple had the foresight to design an ecosystem that just works and do it the right way.

    Sorry to shatter your illusion, but my friend doesn't have Personal Hotspot on his iPhone because his Telco removed the feature. So how is this different and better from Android, huh? At least on Android you can still easily circumvent it without hacking or jail braking.

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  • jeanlain
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    Too bad, I was looking forward to the scroll bars similar to iOS
    Where do people get the idea that scrollbars have changed? :confused:
    They're just like they were before the update.

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  • pudrums
    Apr 8, 03:30 AM
    @SPEEDwithJJ: Watch the Family Guy episode "New Kidney in Town" and you'll know :D

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 17, 07:39 AM
    Nice one arsehole. Ruining my industry. I hope you don't get paid for the next few shifts you do at work and then maybe you'll realise how selfish and greedy you're being.

    True, that's a huge problem with kids, they have been repeatedly worshiped by their parents, thus and air of entitlement is all they know.

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  • freddiecable
    Jan 13, 03:06 PM
    iPhone Nano is needed. 2.5" instead of 3.5" - making the footprint generally smaller. Many people does not want a PDA-phone. I love my iPhone - but would buy a 2.5" version if there was one.

    Sep 25, 11:42 AM
    That is good to know, because 1.1.2 runs like crap on a Quad with a 6800GT and 8GB of RAM. Unacceptable, really. I basically abandoned the workflow and went back to Photoshop. I can actually get work done that way.

    Damn then there must be something wrong with you Quad again Gary. I regularly use 1.1.2 on my 1.67 powerbook and I find it perfectly acceptable. And on my G5/X800XT it's super fast.

    I think the issue with people finding it slow is there lack of understand of what Aperture is actually doing. And also not really knowing how to use Aperture to it's full potential.

    Everybody wants everything to be instant but that will never happen.

    I for one find the workflow of cataloguing, correcting and exporting in Aperture far faster and superior then any comparable app.

    Apr 25, 12:32 PM
    Obviously a fake, the keyboard keys are square on mac keyboards. This photo has been stretched.

    Apr 29, 06:49 PM
    The main problem with the "slider" idea is that it wasn't intuitive which selection was active (since we're so used to a depressed icon indicating selection). I like the concept of a slider; it reminds me of the old tile games. Perhaps a compromise would have been to have the selected item's text glow, as if a little LED were behind it. That would have made it really clear which item was active.

    Jan 9, 03:20 PM
    There's a ticker? I've been using a custom style sheet for about 2 years now and I guess I don't even know what is on some sites. Probably a bunch of ads.

    All I know is that I put up on all of my IM clients an away message that said don't spoil it for me and someone skyped me and ruined a little bit of it. I don't really care about that specific thing though, so it wasn't a big deal.

    I just want to watch the keynote. A group of us took off work for the WWDC keynote and I'm off for this one too. I decided at about 8:55 PST that I would wait for the keynote later and I've been on errands since. Unless they are encoding it on a Pismo, it should be up soon...

    Heh, a Pismo. That would rule.

    Oct 17, 02:44 PM
    People seem to be more interested in convenience than the highest possible quality.

    Yes, it's appalling.. ;)

    Oh, well, every time I hear someone say they can't see the difference between a standard DVD and an HD-DVD/BluRay disc when shown on a proper 1080p display, I cringe. Perhaps they need to just buy the 25" TV for $200 along with a $25 DVD player, take the money they save and get some laser eye surgery. :D

    Actually, with my new HD set up, most family and friends that see it in action are usually awed by it. I have several friends and neighbors that continuously invite themselves over for monday night football and other events. Most of them think it's pretty cool, but would never spend that kind of money on their home theatre setup (I don't think I spent that much, the TV accounted for over half of everything and it was $3600). A couple of them in the past few months though didn't balk at the price and they went and bought one too...

    But yeah, I'm an "-ophile" when it comes to audio and video. I don't really fit in with the rest of my family. I have an uncle that's only about 10 years older than me and I let him have a left-over 20" TV when I moved. I told him it's a nice set - only about 3 years old. His only concern was "is it color?".

    I know I'm the minority around here when I say this, but I don't own an iPod. :eek: Yeah, it's true... I personally don't care for the MP3 format and the lesser quality offerings of iTunes. If it isn't at least CD quality, uncompressed, I don't want it. And yes, I can hear the difference on my sound system which is a separate setup from my home theatre.

    My wife tells me that I'm insane... She's probably right, but what do I care. :D