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Thursday, May 19, 2011

jaden smith 2010

jaden smith 2010. In this photo: Jaden Smith
  • In this photo: Jaden Smith

  • crobbins
    Mar 24, 10:26 PM
    I remember getting my first OS X machine in early 2005. Tiger was so different from the world of windows I'd been used to it. I've been a crazy apple fan ever since!

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith and Tom Cruise
  • Jaden Smith and Tom Cruise

  • Lyra
    Aug 2, 05:26 AM
    So a ratio isn't necessarily a ratio, then? It depends on the population size?

    You are aiming at being impossible right now...

    A ratio doesn't always mean what people want it to mean... Simple as that...

    It is all about how you twist and turn the results...

    People talk, about how many voted for Bush and actually like him, or how many people hate Bush and wish he wasn't president... Which do you think dominates the US networks?

    Shall we talk about statistics now?

    Cause I would hate to go off topic...

    Let us just stick to the main subject here.

    Explain to me why you people feel threatened, harmed or hurt by the DRM?

    How does it affect you?

    What would you like if it wasn't there?

    And what kind of reality would suit you best?

    Make a case here so we can understand why you are so hung up on this crusade...

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith Photo. 2010 MTV
  • Jaden Smith Photo. 2010 MTV

  • starflyer
    Mar 24, 03:32 PM
    I still have my 10.0.0 box and CDs. I will go pull them out tonight.

    jaden smith 2010. Karate Kid#39;s Jaden Smith on
  • Karate Kid#39;s Jaden Smith on

  • grahamtearne
    Sep 12, 04:34 AM
    A few people have mentioned webcasts and things streamed to London. I live in the UK, can anyone clear things up, am I going to be able to watch the event on the net live (if so, where), or will I just have to make sense of the text scrolling up the screen on this site?


    the live stream to london is for journalists only

    jaden smith 2010. trey smith 2010.
  • trey smith 2010.

  • leekohler
    Apr 26, 10:24 AM
    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing

    Oh boy- the ignorance displayed in this forum sometimes can be staggering.

    I bolded a key word in your quote. IMO

    I'm not looking to stir anything up, so stop insinuating.

    Just because I have a different opinion from you doesn't justify your annoying statement, "your act is wearing thin"

    Really guy? I could care less about what you think so stop -__-

    You certainly do come off as less than compassionate. That's for sure.

    jaden smith 2010. willow-smith-2010-ama-style0
  • willow-smith-2010-ama-style0

  • Mikeadelic
    Apr 6, 06:54 AM
    There's another, much more messed up story (http://www.slashgear.com/apple-rejects-iphone-app-for-lack-of-functionality-later-releases-app-with-same-functionality-itself-06144635/) behind this app. For those too lazy to click on the link, basically Apple decided to reject a third-party app that has the same functionality as the iAd Gallery for -- get this -- "lack of functionality". Then it turns around and develops the exact same app.

    If what Apple has done here doesn't demonstrate anti-competitiveness, then I don't know what does.

    jaden smith 2010. Willow and Jaden Smith Team Up
  • Willow and Jaden Smith Team Up

  • Lyra
    Aug 2, 05:00 AM
    Lyra, your tone is condescending. Calling Scandinavian laws "perverted" tells us that you're single minded to begin with and that your points can't be taken seriously.

    I'll still address the point you make about the size of the Scandinavian market. The total population of the Scandinavian countries are 18.9 million. The total population of the USA is 296 million. The size of the Scandinavian market is only 6.4% of the size of the US market, but if Apple pulls out it's still lost income, potentially up to a couple of percent of what Apple makes in the US if you count loss of sales of music and the domino effect that will cause loss of sales of iPods and Macs.

    Of course Apple can survive without the Scandinavian market, but why give up potential profit for nothing except stubbornness?

    It is in your right to feel the word "PERVERTED" is condescending, however you seem to be missing the point. And furthermore, when your country gives Apple a bad rep, just cause you have a law that benefits your greedy idea of harming international companies and getting some money out of them, in this certain case, it happens to be Apple. Were you this engaged to do something when MS broke the law? The international law?

    The fact of the matter is that Scandinavia simply isn't worth this...

    You call it stubbornness when you talk about opening the DRM, which shows you, to be completely delusional when it comest to understanding this matter.

    As one of the posters here mentioned, it would be like unifying the keys to everything you own and hoping no one breaks in, or steals anything from you.

    Do you think ALL those companies would have joined iTunes, if Apple didn't have a good and pretty solid security to present them with? Ultimately it is all about making sure that the items you buy from them are safe and has a copy protection that insures the record labels that they can trust this format.

    So who are you to go up against a phenomenon like iTunes, and these major companies? Do you honestly believe that Apple is the only one who is pushing DRM?

    Try to do something productive instead and fight FOR and not against Apple... If you want iTunes, you have to adjust your selves to their format. It is idiotic to think that because I don't agree with certain companies and how they make their products, I can actually make a difference. Scandinavia doesn't have an impact on anything, you won't be able to change anything.

    It is like someone disagreeing that the off button on SONY TVs remote is on the right side and not the left... If you can adjust and live with all the things other companies do, then why can't you with Apple? No one is forcing you to use iTunes... Better yet, if you don't like it buy the SONY, knock off of the iPods...

    People whining about this simply don't see what is behind all of this. It is like moaning about DVD regional Codes, or copy protection on DVDs in general. Why don't you write to Panasonic or Pioneer and tell them, that you don't like and would fine them for not allowing you to switch regional codes on your DVD burner/player.

    You can tolerate other companies, yet you cannot understand why iTunes HAS to work this way.

    Your post indicates you have an issue with the size of your country. It indicates a certain insecurity, when you actually want to make justify your views on how many people live in Scandinavia and how many there are in New York alone. We are not talking about the 296 million in the entire USA. Canada is excluded in those numbers.

    Why are you people so ungrateful? Why can't you just enjoy what Apple is giving you? Would you rather pirate songs?

    Your laws ARE perverted (meaning they are not fair and serve only greed).
    Just like our laws are perverted in many of our states, yours in your tiny country has a worse effect. After all, you still don't matter in the grand scheme of things...
    And sooner or later, Apple will leave you, then you won't be able to buy anything from iTunes...

    Is that what you want? Then why don't you just vote on it? If it matters so much to you?

    Don't be so naive and think you have any influence over this... You are not just going up against Apple, but the entire band of companies who are backing Apple in this. Try do go up against them... It is as I said, you cannot change the power on/off buttons placement on the remote-control... Or any other silly thing people have a problem with...

    Apart from the conclusion... what do you think is just "kidding"?

    Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it?

    The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?

    10 people loved the new Godzilla movie (People loved this movie and this might be the next best thing to sliced bread)

    1.000.000 people hated the new Godzilla movie (People hated this movie and is considered to be a major flop)

    jaden smith 2010. jaden-smith-justin-bieber-
  • jaden-smith-justin-bieber-

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 12:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    The issue is that there is no issue. Just an opportunity for headlines.

    LTD answer the question that was ask multiple times of you. Your refusal to answer is tell me that you are nothing than someone who will defend apple at all cost and can not think for your self. So please provide reasoning.
    We have provided multiple bad reasons and you have failed to deliver us some good reasonings. Come on we ask you last night and you still have not provided one good reason must less several.

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith, Willow Smith
  • Jaden Smith, Willow Smith

  • donbadman
    Sep 4, 05:43 PM
    ...nor is HDCP support enabled on your current graphics card.
    For more on the current state of HDCP and computer monitoring:


    That's totally off point, read my post again, there's no need for HDCP over HDMI if you have a DRM that the studios have signed up to, looking at the sept 12th announcement apple have already got everybody on board, im hexpecting a video ipod, new MBP's and apple cleaning up on the HD content providing. As I said before it's the only HD platform that has a user base already in place with the required equipment, sony have loads of probs with supply issues on Blue Ray, no consumers are even close to buying PS3's or Blue Ray drives, no computers have these either therefore Apple can catch everyone out and release HD content through iTunes to a user base that already have the required equipment. oh yeah, 1080p is only certified via HDMI but most consumers are happy to accept 720p as "true" HD and the download times of 720p content over the net via broadband is not too much to ask. My 2 pence...

    Waiting for the core 2 duo / LV woodcrest MPB's
    I've �2500 waiting to go, hurry up Apple and get the products out...:eek:

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith as Dre Parker in
  • Jaden Smith as Dre Parker in

  • nosen
    Sep 25, 04:24 PM
    It still is pretty poor with compatibility when it comes to RAW. For example, it still can't read white balance from the meta data on RAW files off Canon cameras. Great!
    Um, really? I use a Canon camera and Aperture seems to preserve the camera WB setting fine...

    Aperture's development also is going slow. Apple pulling out the software?
    They've updated it twice, and I'm pretty sure its only been out a year. Not too shabby....

    Perhaps all the developers are spending too much time on Leopard and Logic 8 at the moment.
    Perhaps you don't have all the facts?

    jaden smith 2010. jaden-smith-2010-7-19-16-5-15
  • jaden-smith-2010-7-19-16-5-15

  • wakerider017
    Oct 10, 07:37 PM
    Just my opinion...

    This iPod will be 400+ when/if it comes out...

    For that kinda money I would much rather invest in a macbook!!!

    With student discount Macbook is only about 500 more...

    Yea they are apples and oranges... but a liitle macbook would make a nice portable video device.

    jaden smith 2010. Will and Jaden Smith,
  • Will and Jaden Smith,

  • diamornte
    Apr 25, 01:35 PM
    The 4s will be a 4 with the 3.7 screen, and a A5 chip. That is it. Period.

    How can you be so certain of this as to say "That is it. Period."? Sources plz?

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith in quot;The Karate Kid
  • Jaden Smith in quot;The Karate Kid

  • stridemat
    Mar 17, 05:36 PM
    I don't know of many people who buy a �500 iPhone outright. Most (Especially in the UK) will be on a 18-24 month contract.

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith Clothes
  • Jaden Smith Clothes

  • cRuNcHiE
    Jul 21, 03:01 PM
    For this video to have any kind of credit i think they should have the iPhone 4 next to it holding it at the same time...

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith Does Vanity Fair
  • Jaden Smith Does Vanity Fair

  • pcharles
    May 2, 01:32 PM
    Because it took them 7 years to get it right.

    I assume you are joking because the truth is even worse! The seven has nothing to do with anything much at all. It is not the seventh version of windows, nor have they been working on it seven years.

    Maybe it is the age of the developers cat! I wonder if Microsoft Cat is like Shr�dinger's Cat. It is both running and crashed at the same time!

    jaden smith 2010. Will Smith, Jaden Smith,
  • Will Smith, Jaden Smith,

  • Eidorian
    Nov 24, 08:02 AM
    AirPort Express Base Station
    save $41.00
    $88.00$8 cheaper this year.

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith as Dre Parker in The Karate Kid (2010)
  • Jaden Smith as Dre Parker in The Karate Kid (2010)

  • Links
    Aug 15, 01:17 AM
    I went into my local Apple store yesterday and they denied that there were even upgrades? WTF? I guess they want to sell off there current stock?

    New stock old stock?
    From all the reports I've seen so far, no one at Apple knows for sure what they are selling.
    Here's another report posted at Apple's Monitor forum dated August 10.

    I spoke with Apple today to determine what the deal was with the recently upgraded brightness and contrast specs for the 20" and 23" Cinema Displays. They indicated that the change was actually (quietly?) made back in April and that any monitor recently sold directly by Apple should be one of the newer models.

    jaden smith 2010. justin bieber and jaden smith
  • justin bieber and jaden smith

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 04:27 AM
    Look, your attitude really needs some adjustment Nekbeth. I have not asked a single trick question. My questions have all been about trying to understand what it is you're trying to do and what problems you are facing. You have been less than clear this whole time.

    I think part of that problem is that you're thinking "I'm a newbie, these guys are pros, I'll probably get help but end up being laughed at". Seriously, if I want to laugh at people, I'll just head over to the news discussion. Those guys are a riot. And I'm not a pro at all. Sure I've been doing this for 15 some odd years in one form or another, but never as a job, only as a hobby.

    The programming forum is full of newbies. I was a newbie once too. We all start somewhere and it's no laughing matter. I wouldn't spend all this time trying to figure out what it is you're doing wrong if it was only to laugh at you in the end.

    Relax and try to realise we want to help you, otherwise we wouldn't be posting here. Now listen to us. We need your help too. As Pros, there are things we know that you might not, and you need to be clear and specific about your problem and what you're not understanding.

    Now I'll try to take a look at the code you posted (I just got up and I need to get to work) and see if I can dig out something if someone doesn't do it faster than me.

    jaden smith 2010. Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan in
  • Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan in

  • arn
    Oct 2, 04:52 PM
    Maybe they should just work with Rockbox and make a third party firmware that opens up the iPod to a new open DRM and forget Fairplay compatibility...

    But what's the point of that? So a few geeks can hack their iPod to play whatever?

    Opening Fairplay to other companies opens the iPod to other services. The biggest risk to Apple is the opening of Fairplay to other MP3 manufacturers.

    Besides... the more I think about it, the more I don't see why iTunes wouldn't play the compatible Fairplay songs. Apple can't make any major changes to the existing DRM in files to break compatible Fairplay files.... since they would have then have to reencode all of those files sitting on people's hard drives.


    Dec 13, 10:21 AM
    I just don't see Apple creating a situation where they're going to have 2 separate refresh dates for the iPhone. Whatever they do, they're going to make it so they refresh ALL of their iPhones around June of every year. Otherwise they're going to put one of the carriers at a distinct disadvantage because Verizon will have the latest technology for up to 6 months before it goes to ATT--which will hurt apple sales overall.

    Apr 28, 06:34 AM
    Nekbeth, I'm looking at the code and I'm thinking you still don't quite understand what NSTimer is and does. You keep track of "Elapsed" using 2 implementation scope global variables :

    NSInteger seconds = 0;
    NSInteger minutes = 0;

    However, grepping for these variables, you never reset them back to 0 aside from their initial initialization :

    $ grep -e minutes -e seconds ATimerViewController.m
    NSInteger seconds = 0;
    NSInteger minutes = 0;

    Apr 27, 01:19 PM
    Where to start....

    - How about the definition of "Gender".... I am not talking about "Gender roles" or "norms" or any of that. I am speaking ONLY about the scientific aspect of "Gender".
    Case in point: Lets say a transgendered individual is stricken with a life threatening ailment. Now we all know that certain illnesses are more prone to certain genders. The doctor asks you what gender you are, in order to diagnose and cure you before you die. No matter how much you are convinced that you are actually gender "X" despite being born gender "Y", you are still going to be disposed to illnesses that effect gender "Y".

    Anyone care to debate that?

    Another thing- I find it very interesting how quickly you guys started to assume I'm being "narrow minded" and how I need to "broaden my horizons"...

    I find it even more interesting that you jumped to the same conclusions (prejudicial conclusions, perhaps) despite my twice stating that I support transgender rights and that it is not a personal choice but an inherent predisposition.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender it's all a bit grey there....

    Having been a transgender individual in a potentially life threatening situation a couple of times, generally I informed them of my medical history like any sane patient would.

    You're focusing on selective binary aspects of sex in a topic relating to transgender people, do you not think that this could be seen as somewhat offensive and inappropriate?

    As I said, I am what I am, I'm fine with that, I just don't appreciate you "helpfully" pointing out that there are certain aspects of sex-differentiation you can't erase.

    That does not mean you're not being a douchebag when you directly or indirectly call a transsexual woman a man or male, even citing your oversimplified ideas of sex and gender. It propagates a culture that sees us in terms of our troubled history rather than who we are and in some cases will be.

    Does that make things clear for you? I'm not trying to be confrontational for the sake of it.

    Mar 25, 01:38 PM
    Is there anyway to get free or trial copy of this OS? I have never used this OS. I am using Windows 7. I am happy with the OS but looking for some change. I also heard that it is not compatible with many popular software or applications..hmm...


    Apr 16, 04:07 PM
    The Apple ecosystem is no more open or closed then any other system, Apple, Android, Rim, Windows etc.

    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.