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Thursday, May 19, 2011

funny justin bieber pics 2011

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 27, 10:22 AM
    Well there's always going to be some die-hard PPC and Core Duo users who will vote negative on this story :p

    Well Apple, get those Core 2 Duos in the iMacs and MacBook Pros, and a Woodcrest... No... 2 Woodcrests in the Mac Pros.

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  • sachamun
    Nov 28, 09:00 PM
    While I usually don't go for boycotts this time I would make an exception, if this was to go through I'd boycott buying anything from Universal. It wouldn't matter if it was an artist I had listened to for years, I'd simply never buy anything they release from that point on.

    I'd boycott Apple ipods too. I wouldn't touch a zune either but...that's for a whole lot of reasons.

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  • funny justin bieber videos.

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 01:34 PM
    They cant lose this surely?

    Even Android stores your location in the exact same way iOS does.

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  • yoak
    Apr 10, 02:04 PM
    It will be very interesting to see what it will be like. I just hope that it will be able to take advantage of all the power of my old MP. I feel pretty confident it will.
    It�s interesting that the software takes 3 years to catch up with the hardware. It just crossed my mind that they might have tried all a long to release the new FCS and Thunderbolt at the same time.
    Otherwise there really would be no reason to upgrade your hardware as it suddenly will be handle your software faster than when you bought it

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  • funny justin bieber videos.

  • KipCoon
    Nov 29, 09:06 AM
    Lame. As if they aren't gettign enough money as it is. And as someone else said, they just exposed their stance on the subject. So it's not going to happen.

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  • funny justin bieber quotes.

  • (L)
    Sep 19, 02:42 AM
    If all MBPs came with a gig of RAM standard, DL DVD drives, and a better graphics card (and Merom CPU), I would be thrilled.

    Look, I don't mean to pick on anybody, and I'm sure this is valid and relevant, but just about anybody would love to see things get generally better. Like, I wish the MacBooks were as fast as the Mac Pros and weigh in at 1 lb. Realistically, while I do agree that MBP's would make sense with 1gb ram standard, I'm not so sure about the other updates. As for updating the CPU, Apple does well to keep up on the technology so long as they can afford to, even if it is the operating system that draws most new users, and I do think they will update it soon, at least for MBPs. But, this is to stay competitive and to offer a pro model that can really be used as a pro model - not to thrill consumers with just how much they can upgrade the machines.

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  • notjustjay
    Nov 28, 09:20 PM
    If can prove to the record companies that all the music on my iPod is legitimately sourced, I expect them to send me a refund of this fee.

    Seriously, name me ONE other industry where the sales and marketing people blatantly call their customers liars, cheats and thieves, while we just sit there and take it.

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  • lol yet funny pic of Justin.

  • aafuss1
    Aug 6, 05:10 PM
    Safari in Leopard-drag and drop tabs to reorganise, as with FireFox, and a My tabs features where you can save a set of tabs for easy recall later-like eg. IE7 on PC's.

    Built in games-Chess, Puzzle on the Dashboard, new-a soltaire game similar to the iPos, Parachutes and mahjogg game. Classic Mac users may remember some Macs had a Eric's Solitare Sampler

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  • CIA
    Apr 7, 10:41 PM
    As best as I can figure, it works like this. Managers get good grades if they sell certain amounts of products.

    I'll use low numbers here. Let's say BB corporate wants you to sell at least 5 iPads a day to make your "Quota". One day, 10 iPads come in. You sell all ten, yay, you made quota for the day.

    But the next day, none get shipped to the store. So, boo, you didn't make quota, since you didn't have any to sell.

    So, if you get 10 the day after that, & not knowing if more are coming tomorrow, you sell 5, make quota, and hold the other 5 for the next day when, low and behold, none get shipped to the store. You still have 5 left over to sell, which you do, and again you make quota for the day.

    Basically the more days you make quota, the happier BB corporate is, and the better chance Mr. Manager gets a bonus down the road.

    Mr. Manager (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4DMPmoJkJQ)

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  • justin bieber pics 2011.

  • KindredMAC
    Jul 14, 03:20 PM
    A new Mac Pro for $1799? Not bad people!!!! In essence Apple is cutting the price of the current Dual Core 2 GHz G5 PowerMac by $200..... The same price as it is on the EDU store.

    If you want something cheaper, buy an iMac for Christ's sake! That's why Apple has made them as powerful as they are now. They are meant as a bridge between the "Con-sumer" and the "Pro-sumer". PowerMacs have been and always will be for PROFESSIONALS!!!! Not the weekend warrior who "dabbles" in Photoshop. That's what the iMac is for people!!!

    In my opinion and thoughts there will be no difference between these and the current G5 PowerMacs in performance.

    As for Dual Optical Drives? AMEN! It is a hassle and waste of HD space when you need to copy a disc, especially Application Discs that you might want to keep in a safe place but have a copy always handy. I'm contemplating buying an external DVD Burner to hook up to my Dual Core G5 PM for these very reasons. I might wait though for a Blu Ray Disc Burner first though.

    The thing that perplexes me is the relocation of the Power Supply to the top. This is either bogus info or they know something they aren't letting on about all the Liquid Cooling problems that have been arising lately in the repair world.
    Plus would this not put a strain on the power cord since the cord would have its own weight hanging down on it instead of how it currently comes out of the back of the tower and immediately lays on the floor or desk surface? Something's fishy about this.

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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 31, 10:37 AM
    Now you've got some skills. I especially like the shadowing, reflections and detail on the back side. Very nice.

    I agree with your size assessment.

    Actually, our designs are quite close, differing primarily in cosmetics. What I'm refering to is my earlier design, (which I suspect you missed) not boncellis'. boncellis wished to see a wider, flatter version for use in home entertainment, so I conjured that 2nd one up for visualization. While that form factor has grown on me somewhat, I still like the taller version, as I had done earlier, and you've shown here, as well.

    Here's my initial design, from earlier in this thread.
    The size of mine is a little smaller (narrower) - I wanted the whole thing less than 8" wide, though it could go back a little deeper, i.e. not necessarily square.

    Also, see possible/hoped for product specs earlier in the thread.

    Personally, I think I still prefer the smoother Mini-like skin than the perforated look of the Pro, but I'm just quibbling.

    Thanks for the imagery.


    Thank you. I had fun doing it. Although I realized later that my MP is missing the Apple Logo on the side. Oh well.

    I did see your earlier design, actually. I had though that it was meant to be the same footprint as the Mac Mini. Seeing it again, I can see that I was mistaken. By comparison, my design is 10"W x 11"D x 4"H. I think to bring it down to the MP 8.1"W, it would have to be made taller, to be reasonable.

    Also, in the vein of quibbling, I think that the perforated look of the MP allows for much better cooling, and therefore hotter components, such as extra boards, faster processors, higher-end GPU, etc. That's the reason I went with it... :)

    Maybe now I should draw a scene with the Mac++, a keyboard, a mouse, and an ACD. What do you think?

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  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • milozauckerman
    Jul 27, 06:49 PM
    looking at reference systems - for $2049, Gateway's Core 2 Duo gets the 2.4GHz/4MB L2 cache Conroe, 2GB of RAM from the factory, an x1900 512MB graphics card, 320GB hard drive, card reader and DL DVD burner.

    Apple had better step its game up compared to the prices/specs rumored last week. A weak graphics card and 512MB of RAM aren't going to cut it in the low tower, even if it does have XEON INSIDE or whatever the marketing pitch will be to distract us.

    EDIT: Dell would be even cheaper, with a lesser video card, but there doesn't seem to be a way to separate the XPS 410 from the included 20in monitor as of now.

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. Justin Bieber funny
  • Justin Bieber funny

  • ahuman7341
    Aug 5, 05:57 PM
    BitTorrent seems very NO!

    The main reson I don't like the idea of it is the security issues. I Also think Apple will be aware of the security issues so I doubt that software update will use BitTorrent. Although Apple may have a client that comes with leopard or in iTunes.

    funny justin bieber pics 2011. JUSTIN BIEBER FUNNY FACE 2011

  • Fabio_gsilva
    Jul 27, 07:55 PM

    Man, alienware is ready to ship new Area 51 ALX PC wuth Core 2 duo Extreme processors. This must be huge!!!

    I'd love to see one in real life...

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 11:33 PM
    Core 2 Duo is here. Looks like Toshiba is first out of the gate with Core 2 Duo laptops:Toshiba Qosmio G35-AV660 - AVPC Laptop (http://www.toshibadirect.com:80/td/b2c/pdet.to?poid=347885&coid=-30600&seg=HHO)

    Wow! And only $3499 :rolleyes: I think a lot of us here would have a problem with the 10.1 pounds part. I agree the 17" 1920 x 1200 would be wonderful. I like all the features - esp if we could have an HD-DVD SuperMultiDrive and dual HDs. But the battery life of 2.5 hours leaves a lot to be desired. I guess you can't have it all without losing something in the process - like reasonable weight, battery life and price. :p

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 11, 07:51 AM
    I'm sure the idiot fanboys will buy it no matter what, but people like myself (who actually make a living and want reliable, efficient software) are ready to leave.

    Then that just begs the question, "why haven't these people left already?" FCP has been fairly stagnant for years. There are plenty of other alternatives, so doesn't that kinda make them fanboyish too for sticking it out when up to this point Apple has given zero hints about when or how it will take FCP to the next level?

    I'm not in the video editing biz, but if the pro s/w I use in my profession hobbled my efficiency and workflow the way you are carping about FCP, and there were viable alternatives, I would abandon it quicker than pigeon can snatch a bread crumb. Just sayin'.

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  • sam10685
    Jul 27, 10:14 PM
    (I hate P4s)

    you can't make a statement like that. that's like saying "i hate general electric air conditioners." what the heck? all CPU's (and air conditioners) do the same thing.

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  • H. Flower
    Apr 7, 11:03 PM
    All right then, here we are.

    This better be good. Or back to AVID, or on to Premiere.

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  • SWC
    Aug 7, 08:01 PM
    great . . . i just get a new macbook with tiger now i'm gonna have to get leopard . . . how much will this put me back?

    $129 is history proves true

    Apr 8, 02:23 AM
    Well right now I'm looking at both their online stores. Both sites have the Apple TV @ $99, so... uh.. Lol.
    Wait ... I don't think I mentioned Best Buy paying customers to buy Apple products. I don't fully understand your post :/

    What don't you get. Best buy gets the ATV2 from apple for $90, then sells it for $99. The same price apple sells it for. Best buy makes $10 or less on every atv2 they sell.

    Also my point about the student discount was it wouldn't make sense for best buy to honor it if they lost money. It would make more sense not to sell it.

    Apr 29, 09:35 AM
    Labelling birthers as racist, paranoid, or nutters is just pandering to the distraction of all this. The persistence of this "issue" could be more of a logical desire to belittle or erode the political power of the current president; which is akin to schoolyard gossiping, sure, but it's still strangely effective.

    Now back to the birthing show!

    Jul 20, 10:09 AM
    eight cores + Tiger = Octopussy?!?

    Aug 25, 08:24 PM
    I don't have one of the Intel Macs (yet) but I have had excellent service from Apple Care whenever I have called. My wife's 14" iBook had the logic board replaced, 4 working days, and I sent my daughter's iPod mini in and it was repaired in no time ( I ordered her mini the day the became available-some teething issues I guess.) I had an AirPort Express replaced with no questions asked recently. I have never had a problem with Apple Care support, I don't expect to have my calls answered one the first ring when I call, that would be silly. These days being on hold for 10 minutes is one of those things. I agree with the other posters who said that the complaints get all the press. I try to always comment to management when I receive excellent service because compliments are rare these days, but complaints are common. Like the affulent med student in earlier post, I too am a switcher and I do NOT regret it for one second. I would not go back to my IBM Thinkpad if you paid me to.

    Apr 6, 03:58 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I think if you were told you could only use unpaved roads in your BMW - you'd beat a path to your Honda dealer.