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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

dave honey badger randall

dave honey badger randall. The Nasty Honey Badger (Open Thread)
  • The Nasty Honey Badger (Open Thread)

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 7, 08:17 PM
    Give me a fracking break. Intel has NOTHING to do with this. NOTHING.

    Well I wouldn't say "Nothing" as obviously it required a lot of programmer time to move the OS to Intel, create the new XCode compiler, create & debug rosetta, re-write all of the iLife, and Pro-Apps offered by Apple, etc. etc.

    But it didn't have anything to do with stifling innovation. I think Apple is just running out of innovative ideas. It happens companies go through dry spells.

    Really, I haven't seen much innovation out of Apple since the move from OS 9 to OS X. That was a major leap. Automator actually has a lot of potential but so far I think it is being under used. As far as the GUI is concerned, I think there are a lot of things that could be revamped to improve that area.

    By the way has anybody tried Quiksilver for OS X. It is spectacular. I recently downloaded it, freeware, and have been loving this addition to the OS. Not only does it replace launchbar, spotlight, and others but has a nice verb feature that lets you quickly do all sorts of things and have access to OS X services under the hood.

    dave honey badger randall. Camp Randall
  • Camp Randall

  • Dark K
    Jun 19, 03:29 PM
    If anyone can answer me this question, it would be most appreciated :D

    Does anyone know how many iPhone 4s Radioshack will be getting apart from those that they "reserved"?

    dave honey badger randall. FYI - No Hawkeyes or Badgers
  • FYI - No Hawkeyes or Badgers

  • kdarling
    Mar 23, 10:18 AM
    If you read my original post, you'll notice that I was referring to the fact that many programmers are careless about optimizing their code all because they can count on a large amount of resources, and because they get lazy.

    I think anyone programming above assembly language and/or on a device with more than about 16K of memory, gets lazy :)

    Most Mac programmers are good at optimizing, while many Windows programmers are not.

    Where does Apple's horrible iTunes for Windows fit into this myth?

    dave honey badger randall. Randal Kleiser
  • Randal Kleiser

  • studiomusic
    Apr 10, 10:31 AM
    It's that they never have announced pro-level products at/alongside professional trade shows prior to this. CES is one thing, but I don't ever recall Apple ever placing any presence at/during NAB or AES (the latter of which they would present something related to the Logic Pro) before.

    They did it in 2007... I was there.
    Back when Myspace was cool. (http://www.myspace.com/studiomusic1/blog/253736149)

    dave honey badger randall. a Honey Badger#39;s Ass
  • a Honey Badger#39;s Ass

  • Blue Velvet
    Nov 28, 06:27 PM
    Announcing their hand before negotiations even start indicate a degree of flexibility in their position... this is just posturing at this stage.

    dave honey badger randall. The Crazy Nastyass Honey
  • The Crazy Nastyass Honey

  • BGil
    Aug 8, 04:32 AM
    Have to agree with you on just about everything. If MS tried to release something like this, as anything other than a service pack, their user base would (quite rightly) crucify them.

    The TimeMachine mirrors the same functionality that was announced for Vista about a week ago,

    It's kinda unfair to say Microsoft just announced PreviousDocs/Shadow Copy "about a week ago" because it's been in every build for the last year.
    Winsupersite on build 5219:
    Windows Vista build 5219 also includes an integrated Shadow Copy client, which you manage from the Shadow Copies tab of the Properties dialog for your hard drive (Figure). This feature, which first originated in Windows Server lets you cache older versions of data files so that you can recover information in the event of an error. So if you overwrite a critical file, or inadvertently change part of a document, you can "go back in time" and access older versions.

    Let's see how this works. First, you need to enable Shadow Copies from the aforementioned dialog. Then, after you've mucked up a file, you can access its Properties dialog in Explorer and navigate to the Previous Versions pane (Figure). Here, you can select between various different versions of the document (and your time travel experience is complete). This is a great feature, and I'm glad to see it being added to the Windows client.


    That build was released in September of 2005.

    Even before that Bob Muglia, who head the Longhorn Server project, said it would be integrated into NTFS.
    MS also ships a shadow copy client for XP.

    If anything, Apple has known about Previous Docs for over a year now.

    dave honey badger randall. The Crazy Nastyass Honey
  • The Crazy Nastyass Honey

  • bigandy
    Aug 25, 03:10 PM
    the vocal minority are always the ones who have problems :rolleyes:

    dave honey badger randall. Honey Badger Don#39;t Care: The
  • Honey Badger Don#39;t Care: The

  • ed233
    Jul 28, 02:02 PM
    Do you have any links that describe Merom's SpeedStep compared to Yonah's? I thought Yonah's was quite good, allowing you to reduce both clock speed and voltage simultaneously. It is always a problem with Intel, they say "improved SpeedStep", but they never tell you "improved compared to what".
    I was able to find this about Conroe's implementation, which sounds fairly impressive:

    The Conroe core includes support for Intel SpeedStep technology, and in an attempt to lower power and heat requirements, it emulates a mobile processor by lowering the multiplier when idle or in low usage. In the case of the Core 2 Extreme and Duo processors we reviewed, that amounted to a 1.6 GHz clock speed at idle. The Conroe can immediately fire up at full speed and match the system load. Core voltages can also be lowered through similar techniques, such as Intelligent Power Capability, which can turn computing functions on and off when needed, in order to fully maximize power efficiency.

    dave honey badger randall. from a honey badger.
  • from a honey badger.

  • Huntn
    Apr 28, 09:58 AM
    Imagine that, three responses which utterly fail to refute let alone dispute my clear and truthful argument. Instead, they leave snide remarks. No substance WHATSOEVER. :)

    You accuse every 'liberal' in this forum of being blinded by their bias. I suppose all of the 'conservatives' see clearly and are willing to consider all reasonable alternatives. Lol. And then the debate becomes what is reasonable? :p

    If you are unwilling to admit there is a racial aspect to some of the attacks on Obama who is being blind? There is no other President in the history of the U.S. who has been asked for so much proof of citizenship.

    dave honey badger randall. Camp Randall Badger Fan
  • Camp Randall Badger Fan

  • jrhone
    Aug 17, 01:20 AM
    I AM SOOOO HAPPY I ORDERED THIS MACHINE!!! Ordered it yesterday, custom with 2gb RAM, got shipping confirmation today, I'll have it tomorrow!!! If its ALMOST as fast as a quad G5, it will be MUCH faster than my Rev A dual 2.0 G5....

    dave honey badger randall. The Crazy Nastyass Honey
  • The Crazy Nastyass Honey

  • deconai
    Aug 11, 03:42 PM
    i just want a cell phone that works.

    all these phones today(by all these phones i mean the motorolas i have had, so mayby motorola's jsut suck) have this ridiculous amount of latency when you are navigating the menus. cause they have to have all this fancy crap flyin around. its like phones are using the same technology from 5 years ago but they are just piling these features into them so they dog down. overall phones today seem to suck just a bit. my nokia 8260 was the best phone i ever had and it was monochrome with no camera or video or stupid crap like that...

    I used to have a Motorola loaded with everything but the kitchen sink (that is, until my wife decided to wash it in the washing machine :P ). I got a cheap Samsung SGH-E317 to replace it and I swear it works 100% faster than my Moto. It seems to receive the signal stronger as well.

    dave honey badger randall. Silver is the new honey badger
  • Silver is the new honey badger

  • PolarIced
    Apr 6, 10:09 AM
    Has Intel R&D come up with a new, low-power, backlit keyboard? ;)

    (Figured I'd throw that out straight off, as it's bound to come up somewhere along the line)

    dave honey badger randall. Camp Randall Badger Fan
  • Camp Randall Badger Fan

  • h'biki
    Apr 11, 06:41 PM
    Then that just begs the question, "why haven't these people left already?" FCP has been fairly stagnant for years. There are plenty of other alternatives, so doesn't that kinda make them fanboyish too for sticking it out when up to this point Apple has given zero hints about when or how it will take FCP to the next level?

    They are abandoning it. I know quite a few FCP editors who have switched to Avid MC5 or Premiere Pro.

    We are large facility with about 10-12 full time FCP editors and we will probably switch to Avid MC5 unless Apple provides *needed* features for the future.

    I'd there's a general mood of 'Apple is abandoning FCP' in the post community and facilities/users are setting up their exit strategies.

    And its a strategy. Buying into new software is expensive and time consuming.

    dave honey badger randall. Camp Randall Badger Fans
  • Camp Randall Badger Fans

  • I WAS the one
    Mar 23, 06:44 AM
    Let's the game begin.... Nothing will be greater than the iPad unless they make an iOS based Tablet.

    dave honey badger randall. Badger Alley Inside Camp Randall
  • Badger Alley Inside Camp Randall

  • PolarIced
    Apr 6, 10:09 AM
    Has Intel R&D come up with a new, low-power, backlit keyboard? ;)

    (Figured I'd throw that out straight off, as it's bound to come up somewhere along the line)

    dave honey badger randall. Camp Randall Badger Fans
  • Camp Randall Badger Fans

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 03:05 PM
    Lol if apple was a religion it would have more extremists than Islam, Judaism, and Christianity combined! :eek:

    Pssstt... I think it already is a religion to many.

    When someone speaks about "smartphone marketshare" he usually means world wide and not only for Botswana. But nice try. :rolleyes:

    You mean when someone says Marketshare they mean that other place outside of the center of the universe America?

    dave honey badger randall. Camp Randall - Badgers
  • Camp Randall - Badgers

  • skunk
    Mar 3, 01:28 PM
    But, but, but we'll have nobody to argue with... :(

    dave honey badger randall. Randall Badger|Sconnie Sconnie
  • Randall Badger|Sconnie Sconnie

  • littleman23408
    Dec 3, 03:10 PM
    Some of them do but not sure do all of them. I've got several nice rides from those series but they are mainly from higher level series.

    Cool, Thanks. You must be pretty far?

    dave honey badger randall. References for Randall Badger
  • References for Randall Badger

  • WillEH
    Mar 26, 06:55 PM
    It's this mentality that makes me smile.

    Without knowing any of the details as to what the final shipping version will be, mezmerized (hypnotized ?) by Apple, enthusiasts are ready to pay whatever Apple demands for the product.

    I get to sit back without any effort, and watch with delight as they pour the money into Apples coffers. In turn, my vast amount of Apple stock climbs higher & higher as they brag about Apples Billions.

    Their blind trust pays me well. Thanks Apple !

    e-drama :cool:

    Sep 13, 12:33 PM
    He's totally mistaken! The Cloverton CPUs will *all* be 64-bits, as Woodcrest (found in current Mac Pros) is. Intel is not going to ever go back to a 32-bit Xeon class CPU.

    The difference between Woodcrest and "Tigerton" is that Woodcrest CPUs achieve their "dual core" status by basically placing two complete Xeon CPUs under one outer casing, and making them communicate with each other through the front-side bus on the motherboard.

    Cloverton will be the same way, but with 4 cores packed into one casing, instead of just two.

    "Tigerton" will finally allow both cores to interconnect with each other through an internal interface built into the CPU, instead of slowing communications down by routing it off one CPU core, through the motherboard's front-side bus, and back onto the other core.

    This was his response:

    "Cloverton is not 64, Cloverton MP (Tigerton) is 64 and is still on the drawing board last I heard.

    Amazing Iceman
    Mar 22, 04:46 PM
    well said. it's hard to even have a civil conversation here anymore. not sure what the majority of the age group here is now, but the discussions since i've joined here just a couple of years ago seem to be on the decline with immaturity. there are a handful of respectful and open minded people who do back up their thoughts with details and sense, but you'd have to wade through a lot of "fanboy" (i hate that term) jargon to sift the ones worth replying to.

    True. The debate gets too personal, and starts loosing credibility after a while.
    If this was a live debate, there would have been a shootout already.
    Cool off people, and provide solid arguments to sustain your point.

    Mar 31, 03:00 PM
    John Gruber's take:

    Can't say I disagree.

    The real Android bait-and-switch is calling the platform "open" to consumers. Sure, there are a few "Google Experience" devices that have not been mutilated by handset makers, but even those often have closed hardware. The way I see it, Google uses this ruse of openness to get geek support. Geeks then advocate their platform, which is a great form of marketing.

    The reality is that any Android handset with a locked bootloader or no root access from the factory is just about as closed as any iOS device (or BlackBerry, WebOS, Windows, etc. device). The open vs. closed = Android vs. iOS argument is ridiculous, because it focuses on the part of the platform (underlying source code) that matters the least to almost all users.

    Apr 27, 10:40 AM
    How I create a location map on my iPad 2?

    Jun 11, 12:01 PM
    My DM told me we can open anytime we want to no later than 8am. I have a best buy and ATT corporate store directly accross the street from me. Im waiting for them to announce when they are opening and ill be open 1 hr before them if they open at 6am, im openening at 5am.