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Friday, May 20, 2011

blank world map outline countries

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  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:43 PM
    Noob you think you know a lot, but you obviously don't. I work in the cell industry creating software for mobile phones. I have had EVERY major US carrier and as recently as the beginning of this year I've done testing of the big 4 (VZW, Sprint, Cingular, T-Mo) and I can tell you that the coverage differs greatly amongst them. Congrats on your great coverage with T-Mo. As someone who regularly travels in the Midwest, Toronot area, and San Jose, I can most assuredly tell you that T-Mo Coverage != Cingular coverage everywhere.

    Oh, and I doubt the coverage map for T-Mobile is in error in GA, FL, and other states when nearly the entire state is NOT COVERED on their own coverage map.


    Well, to be fair, your radio ROM/software can have some effect on your reception, and different companies release different radio software at different times, and that can have some effect.

    My 8125 has a t-mobile radio ROM, but I run it on cingular. There are a few wrinkles in that, but you are generally correct.

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  • avkills
    Jul 14, 02:35 PM
    Man if they put the power supply on the top that would just be insanely stupid. 2 Optical drives is fine by me, although I am good with just one. But the post above about a Blu-Ray drive would make having 2 logical, one is Blue-ray, other is DVD/CD +/- RW.


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  • 63dot
    Aug 18, 10:52 AM
    damn and i wanted asia... ahh but europe wont be too bad. damn it i am 5'7 so i might end up with the short end of the stick.

    we are the same height...we can call ourselves the "toxic twins"

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 31, 02:52 PM
    Please, enlighten us, how does fragmentation bite Android's ass when it is the #1 smartphone OS. Regardless what you think, Android and iOS are by far the most successful OS in the last 5 years.

    How is it biting them in the ass? Android is the fastest growing OS with a larger share than IOS. I think it's been a very succesfull strategy.

    I never said it's already got them, I said it would get them eventually, and now Google has seen this, and is now tightening control.

    And how it will 'bite them in the ass' is with the user experience, users seeing apps on the Android Marketplace, but the app doesnt support their phone, or requires features their phone doesnt support, or their phone doesnt quite have the power to run it. Could crash their phone etc.

    Their strategy ensured short-term gain, but problems later on.

    Apple wont run into problems with iOS Fragmentation for a long time yet. And they can easily avoid these issues by officially not supporting older devices and preventing them accessing apps they cant run.

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  • HyperZboy
    Apr 27, 09:16 AM
    I know of no cell tower or wifi device that works up to 100 miles away.

    Ok, nobody jumped on this comment so I'll answer it.

    Obviously, the location tracking data is logging locations from within 100 miles of your home location, assuming you might travel 100 miles away.

    Oh somebody beat me, nevermind. LOL

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  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 25, 03:36 PM
    I agree, Apple is pretty ridiculous at times.

    That must be who you meant, since you clearly haven't had time to read the lawsuit yet.

    Or do you think all lawsuits are 'money grubbers'?

    Personally, I think all lawsuits are 'Money Grubbers' and should be barred from filing unless there is evidence of criminal intent against the user. Right now the reports are so vague that I expect by the time this lawsuit hits the court, the judge will simply throw it out as frivolous.

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  • Joe2000
    Aug 6, 06:08 AM
    What about TV Show downloads in the UK? Pleeeeaaaase!!! :rolleyes:

    Looking foward to these Mac Pros though, my Dad is definatley going to buy one. :D

    Thanks, Joe.

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  • jaxstate
    Aug 11, 02:41 PM
    You guys are looking about a $500.00 phone...atleast.
    I would add

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  • slb
    Aug 26, 07:05 PM
    I happen to have a Yonah Macbook, and im a little concerned.
    I wonder, if merom does make it into the Macbooks did i make a mistake by buying my computer before i had to (as in next friday is the cutoff)
    I wonder if Merom is really that good. *it sucks that macbooks dont have PGA slots*

    It'll just be a slightly faster chip with 64-bit (which won't get used until Leopard, and which most people will never need anyway).

    The time you'll want to upgrade will be next year after Santa Rosa comes out with its faster FSB to really take advantage of the Core 2 chips. Intel calls these upcoming Meroms an "initial version," a stepping stone for current Yonah users. It'll be interesting to see if Apple does anything with the Robson flash.

    That said, the current Core Duo Macs are still really fast and will continue to be so next year, running Leopard fine. I've got no regrets. I expect my iMac to last me for at least a few years.

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  • sebseb81
    Apr 6, 10:30 AM
    Maybe I'm just being optimistic but there have been a lot of models of the MBA in the refurb section of the Apple store online recently, and they've been there rather consistently (as has the regular old MB). Maybe both MBA and MB will be updated sooner than we think? June certainly sounds reasonable for the MBA, and the MB is due even sooner, I would imagine.

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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 07:54 PM
    Let me be clear - FCS needs a robust blu-ray authoring feature.

    Useless without error correcting reference hardware/software. No one has seen this reference hardware or drivers for it in the Apple environment. Only a few specialized companies use the expensive reference hardware for true BD-authoring. It is the same situation as on the Audio-CD market.

    Btw, Sonys BluPrint 6 (http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/bluprint) software costs 80.000 US$. And this is just the software. I do not think we will see similar features in FCP or FCS.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 08:11 PM
    Probably, but it was certainly orchestrated to look anything but. Sarkozy was very obliging in shooting his mouth off, as was Cameron. It may have just been luck, but if so it was a remarkable piece of luck to have 4 submarines, a flagship-capable surface ship and all necessary support in the right place at the right time. These things don't travel very fast.

    I agree, it is quite possible. However, the US didn't orchestrate the uprising itself, if anyone is responsible it's the heavy-handed Gadaffi and the Egyptians with their successful revolt.

    As for the presence of the naval squadron, the other middle Eastern revolts and the Somali piracy task force meant that we already had units in the area or en-route. It may very well be a case of forward planning rather than a stage-managed "coincidence". Still, we certainly can't know which is the truth.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:17 PM
    He hasn't been carrying this around for 50 years. Did you actually read the article?
    I read most of it. I haven't been carrying my birth certificate. It spent most of its time im Mom's china closet, where it still faded.

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  • spicyapple
    Nov 28, 07:08 PM
    All the more reasons to boycott the buying of Zunes. Consumers need to vote with your wallets and send a message to companies like Universal who treat customers as pirates. Ugh.

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  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 01:22 AM
    You my friend, sound like a socialist...

    I'm a Poststructuralistmarxist so perhaps that will help you guys out :cool:

    blank world map outline countries. world map outline countries.
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  • BC2009
    Apr 12, 06:06 PM
    Are you serious? Your comments are not only incorrect but just flat out ignorant. Whoever said that angry birds is not available on android obviously can't read or just does not know how to use the app store because I have all three on my Thunderbolt and they are full versions and they were free to boot. So before you go make comments about people being ignorant you might want to do some research first!!

    Perhaps you should re-read my post since obviously you either "can't read" or you are "flat out ignorant". I said that my brother-in-law who loves Android claimed that Angry Birds was only available on Android and not iOS. I never contested that it was available on Android, only that I had to show him that it was in fact available on iOS in many variants (Free, Paid, HD for iPad, Seasons, etc...). It was my brother-in-law's belief that this game was not available to iPhone and iPad users. I had to tell him that it was available on iOS long before Android.

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  • gugy
    Aug 16, 11:02 PM
    That's great that Adobe apps runs well under Rosetta in the new Mac Pro.
    It makes very tempting to buy one.
    My only concern comes to any Rev.A of any hardware.
    I'll wait and buy the next version of Mac Pro. I think then, even under Rosetta Adobe apps will fly in comparison to the Quad G5. Can't wait for the universal apps though.

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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 10, 04:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)
    Are you sure you understand what is happening here? Apple is presenting at the FCP Users Group Supermeet, no one is getting booted from the NAB show!
    Booted from NAB? No. Booted from the SuperMeet? Yes. Like I said before, I hope that those who signed up before the 'Apple take over' will still have a chance to see the presentations that have been displaced.

    Now step back for a minute and THINK what are the members of this group interested in?
    Obviously they are interested in more than just FCP because the SuperMeet was a successful event prior to Apple's take over.


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  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 27, 07:33 PM
    Especially the last paragraph of your rebuttal shows that you have not read ALL the threads about MB and MBp problems. I really would like to hear you, when you had your MBP replaced 3 times and still have problems... I have friends who just upgraded to MBPs all have one or more problems, ranging from screen, heat, whine, keyboard, and other problems, some of which they still have to discover. Sorry, buddy, but it truly looks like getting a good MBP is LUCK. I own a couple of laptops, my oldest ones are 9 years old (TOSHIBA), and never ever did I have problems like the ones described on these boards.
    Proof my butt.... Wouldn"t it be nice if these threads had only happy APPLE fans? Dream on.

    We are consumers, and should not accept getting a refurb lemon... but a new, preferably working product.

    I had my iBook G4 14in completely gutted due to be replete with defects. Apple returned it with a new logic board, DVD drive, hard drive, LCD Panel, and more.

    AppleCare covered it all. You're not going to hear me whine that this is a problem when the warranty did its job.

    Downtime from computing was zero as I have a second workstation. The time was 1 week from shipping to return shipping.

    It's been purring since now for 15 months and counting. I use it for Cocoa Development until revision B of the Mac Pro arrives.

    Jun 8, 08:47 PM
    I would rather just order it online if I didn't want to drive to an Apple Store.

    Seriously, RadioShack needs to die.

    from what the Apple service rep told me today, in order to pre-order by adding a line I have to do the pre-ordering in the store.

    Aug 25, 04:51 PM
    Speaking of asinine Apple happenings... why is it that the new Mac Pro standard configuration of 2 dual-core Intel 2.66ghz processors, etc, etc is at $2499, but Apple still has the PowerMac standard configuration of 2 dual-core PowerPC 2.5ghz processors, etc, etc at $3299?


    Sep 19, 12:24 AM
    This update better be bitchin!

    I think when the update reveals itself to be.... just a mere processor swop the moans to the high heavens would be deafening!

    Any likelihood that we will see a new case design at MWSF perchance? :rolleyes:

    Apr 27, 12:08 PM
    I lost mine a few years ago and it was re-issued so it isn't worn and faded. Does that mean I can't run for president? :eek::p


    Actually, we're going to have to ask you to leave the country. You and your fake birth certificate aren't welcome here.

    Apr 12, 12:54 PM
    Then that just begs the question, "why haven't these people left already?" FCP has been fairly stagnant for years. There are plenty of other alternatives, so doesn't that kinda make them fanboyish too for sticking it out when up to this point Apple has given zero hints about when or how it will take FCP to the next level?

    I'm not in the video editing biz, but if the pro s/w I use in my profession hobbled my efficiency and workflow the way you are carping about FCP, and there were viable alternatives, I would abandon it quicker than pigeon can snatch a bread crumb. Just sayin'.

    People just love to complain. Yes Apple has been a little behind in the NLE business lately. They can't be on top all the time. Avid has made fantastic strides lately, and so has Adobe, although I would never advise using Premiere. You have to remember though Avid made a lot of bad moves, from nearly dropping Mac support to their closed hardware system. Just recently have they finally started to look like they got it together. FCP is being updated today, so all this nonsense about apple neglecting the pro market can stop. You may not like the update, but from what I've heard (not much) it's going to be pretty amazing.