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Thursday, May 19, 2011

ash blonde hair colours

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  • londe hair, ash blonde

  • inhrntlyunstabl
    Apr 25, 03:58 PM
    I always wonder what people are thinking...

    "Apple <or insert any evil corporation or government entity> has 100s millions of customers, but I bet they've singled me out for tracking with the black helicopters and vans because I make $25,000 a year and have access to the a state of the art Camry and have 2.5 kids."


    "Those bastards at Apple <or insert again> are trying to figure out what I like to buy with their Genius tracking the songs I download, ads I click on, etc. to try to target ads and future products at me! Those sons of bitches!"

    People, 1984 was long ago. You have no privacy unless you don't live in society, e.g unabomber. Get over yourself, you are not so special Apple is paying any specific attention to you. They want to know how many 1000s of people are at your Starbucks, but not you. Otherwise, encrypt your backups, chain your iPhone, iPad, Macs and PCs to your wrist, and shoot at anyone that looks over your shoulder.

    Besides, the iPhone Software License Agreement is pretty solid on this front. The only hole to fill is why it might still be logging when Location Services is disabled. But at end of the day, this is a tiny tiny aspect of a much much larger issue - we use technology that will track what we do, influence us, etc. We have to learn to accept this. It's going to be impossible to stop this. Get over it.

    ash blonde hair colours. Item: So Hee Hair Style
  • Item: So Hee Hair Style

  • Brandon4692
    Jun 22, 02:24 PM
    Do these stores you guys are talking about actually have the iPhone in stock already?!?! Cause I just called the two closest ones near me and they still aren't sure if they will receive any for thursday

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  • Extra Light Ash Blonde was

  • hhaydenn
    Apr 25, 03:55 PM
    If people bothered to read the software agreement, it's in section 4b that states that the location may be recorded.

    (Well, I think so anyway)

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  • Light Blonde Hair Some

  • Rafterman
    Apr 27, 08:05 AM
    I know of no cell tower or wifi device that works up to 100 miles away.

    ash blonde hair colours. Extra Light Ash Blonde
  • Extra Light Ash Blonde

  • zelet
    Aug 25, 02:46 PM
    dotMac support is horrible! There have been a ton of problems with their email service being labeled as a spam source lately. They aren't fixing the problem and there is no way of contacting support besides some worthless email form that only gets you canned responses in reply. They have no phone support either.

    So, for a $100 a year service you get a blacklisted email address and no support. Yay for Apple!

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  • londe hair colours chart. ash

  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 10, 04:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

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  • 19-dark ash blonde

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 12:16 PM
    These people never stop do they? I don't remember anyone asking bush or any other president about their educational records, plus the one time they shed light on bush's military record it just seemed to disappear into thin air.

    At least new the president's chances of getting re-elected in 2012 just skyrocketed.

    A few things.... Hilary did get the ball rolling before Obama was nominated...

    And all presidents are plagued by these wacky conspiracy theories... GWB had his military service issues and the truther movement, WJC had "Clinton Bodycount" (arguably more insane and dark than the birther thing), Kennedy had plenty, etc...

    What I dont understand is the "outrage" we are seeing over this. People claim Obama is not a citizen. Ok, well its crazy sounding, but its not dark or destructive. How about the truther movement? That is pure insidiousness.


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  • marksman
    Apr 14, 03:57 PM
    Im waiting til June, if iphone 5 is delayed then i will jump to a nice android smartphone. Many people forget that cellular market has changed a lot and now competition is harder than before, there are nice alternatives, very nice ones.

    But the iPhone 4 is still the best smartphone on the market and will continue to be so well past June.

    If you want to choose to get an inferior phone because you want to chase after a spec sheet that is on you. That does not change reality.

    A 4" display is already the standard size.

    Just because Apple has not progressed is no indicator of their plans for the upcoming model. To continue to lag behind the rest of the pack with a little display would be sad.

    LOL. Right.

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  • Dirty+londe+hair+colors+

  • gnasher729
    Aug 17, 12:59 PM
    The interesting thing to note from the Anandtech review is that to saturate a 2 core setup, all you need is one program. To saturate a quad, you need to be doing a bit more at the same time. To saturate an octo, you need to be doing a hell of a lot of things at the same time.

    No, you only need software that doesn't think multiple processors = two processors. Early versions of Handbrake used only two processors, new version uses four. Photoshop will use as many processors as there are. Other applications will follow.

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  • Permanent Hair Colour.

  • Vegasman
    Apr 25, 04:45 PM
    Why should Location Services stop your phone from logging cell tower information, the same information your cell company logs?

    Now if it's in Airplane Mode, then I'd wonder...

    I don't think the "smart people" are all that smart if that's their issue!

    People don't tend to lose their "cell tower information" stored on their carrier's servers too often.

    They do however lose their phone in bars (ask Apple), in airports and other places.

    And then there is the issue of the iTunes backup....

    Imagine for a second you were going through a nasty divorce, and the crazy spouse got the Mac Book Pro as part of some early asset devying up. And just now you are finding out she has the backup of YOUR locations. Those same locations her sneaky lawyer can use to create this wild ass scenario that makes you look bad for reasons A, B and C.

    Personal stuff needs to stay private and secure. It's incredible what malicious people can do with it it.

    ash blonde hair colours. Ash Blonde 8A: Hair Care
  • Ash Blonde 8A: Hair Care

  • Stridder44
    Jul 20, 02:27 PM
    I disagree. I think Apple will use Core 2 Duo (Conroe) in the iMac, and Merom in the MBP. The iMac could hold a G5, why not Conroe?

    On top of that, you'll notice that a 2.16 GHz Conroe costs $70 less than the 1.83 GHz Yonah that's in the iMac now, $70 less than a 2 GHz Merom, and $200 less than a 2.16 GHz Merom, increasing Apple's profit margins on the iMac considerably or allowing a price drop- plus they can advertise it as a desktop processor.

    In fact, even if Conroe was too hot (which I highly doubt, since the iMac had a G5), a 2.16 GHz Conroe underclocked to 2 GHz still saves $70 over a 2 GHz Merom.

    But what about the MacBook!! *weeps*

    ash blonde hair colours. Ash Blonde Hair Color
  • Ash Blonde Hair Color

  • anim8or
    Apr 6, 10:13 AM
    Asset management is easy if you are organized. If you're not, no amount of asset management software can help you!

    I 100% agree.

    Using AVID at work was a steep learning curve for me, coming from a FCP background.

    If anything asset management TELLS you how to manage your work rather than letting you do it how you wish to do it.... Organisation is key.

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  • Hair coloring is an excellent

  • unlinked
    Apr 6, 02:28 PM
    I guess it wouldn't hurt their future sales to announce international release dates. Several people I know have ordered or bought an iPad 2 simply because it is available (even with order backlogs) compared to Honeycomb tablets.
    Here in continental Europe, all I saw so far was an announcement for the second quarter, which can slip to whenever...
    Those of you who already got it - is it worth the wait?

    I'm thinking of passing on the Xoom at this stage and picking up one of the many other honeycomb tablets instead. Apparently the EEE pad transformer will be launched in Europe in a few days. I saw some reports the Xoom was launched in Canada today with only a few hundred units available. Bit of a joke really.

    ash blonde hair colours. ash blonde hair colours. ash
  • ash blonde hair colours. ash

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 12, 02:35 AM
    I know they are fundamentally two different types of games in a similar genre, but he brought up the sales of the series, so I offered up another racing game series with much higher sales.

    similar genre given racing, but one is a simulator - the other is, a bit more fictional (in a sense).

    but anyway, thats a technicality. no doubt that NFS seems to be higher grossing and more popular, as GT targets a pretty acute market. i wonder if GT5 will change that at all.

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  • 6C Dark Ash Blonde

  • Stridder44
    Mar 26, 05:00 AM
    This seems a little fast for the first GM. Maybe not such a big update after all? Where are all the secrets? The UI could use more of an overhaul IMO. This is probably just for the devs and they will bust out some fancy fancy at WWDC. I hope! Gotta have that one more thing...

    I hope Lion lives up to the name and is BEAST.

    Exactly how I feel about it. I mean it feels like they just told us about it. We're just now starting to get rumors and tips about the new OS. Windows 8 isn't slated to come out until Q4 2012. Take your time Apple. Snow Leopard is a fantastic and very stable OS. PLEASE don't rush Lion! Take your time to iron out the bugs, and add more stuff in if need be.

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  • Eyebrow Pencil Ash Blonde

  • ergle2
    Sep 20, 02:23 PM
    ...except that he's a she...a demi-goddess.

    She certainly has the attitude of one.

    Frequent updates are a good thing. I would not want to stop the march of progress just so I could personally feel better about a little money I spent.

    The only real downside I see is that Intel Macs are unlikely to hold their value anywhere near as well as the PPC line did due to the quicker changes we'll see now.

    I keep systems til they fall apart, pretty much, but there's quite a few on the various forums who say they always buy and sell 2-3 years later to upgrade.

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  • Blonde Hair Colours 2010.

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 31, 02:40 PM
    I knew it would happen eventually.

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  • styles111
    Jun 15, 02:07 PM
    To follow up to my last post, just got a call from my local Radio Shack and got my PIN.

    The waiting begins!

    So did I! She called me and gave me my pin 24000000xxxxx.

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  • My hair Colour - Schwarzkopf

  • X2468
    Mar 31, 11:03 PM
    Probably what bothers me the most about the discourse that Android is open is that underlying that logic is an implicit (or perhaps really explicit, depending on who is touting that discourse) assumption that it is democratic, liberal, progressive, and for "the people" and thus prevents a "draconian future" from happening because instead of letting corporations dictate our digital worlds, the people will a) have a say in it and b) have a choice.


    This discourse makes a false link between software being open source and political ideology. The two are not necessarily corresponding. And furthermore, that Android is actually open source is highly debatable but I won't go there.

    Why do so many technophiles fall for the discourse that open means choice means freedom mean democracy discourse? It's all BALONEY! Google isn't really interested in protecting your freedom, democracy etc.. It's really interested in surviving and making money. Let's try not to fall AGAIN for that political cover.

    In this case, I find Apple much more honest. They don't talk about political ideologies like freedom, democracy etc. All they say is they want to make devices that are friendly and easy to use. They don't couch their products in political ideological terms.
    Your verbose attempt to cloud the truth is impressive, even if wildly false. It's readily apparent you've gone to great lengths to cover up your lack of technical erudition.

    I do agree that Apples current advantages are:

    1) Brand Name
    2) Excellent Product Design
    3) Huge Population Of Cult Like Followers
    4) Steve Jobs, Worlds Best Sales Person

    Yet change is brewing, nothing lasts forever.

    Be prepared.

    Apr 25, 03:07 PM
    Location services is not the same as storing every place you've ever been.
    Why does the db never get cleared?

    If location info is required for an app, why would I want to use info from possibly over a year ago that may no longer be accurate?

    I won't put on a tinfoil hat just yet. For now I'll just chalk this issue up to sloppy programming. ;)

    Apple still fails to answer the question of "why?"
    Why do they need it if it is not used?

    I know why a web browser has a cache. At least the web browser is smart enough to clean that up after a while.

    While I would also like to know why, I'm not sure this is a big deal as it seems to me that the remedy to going to be very simple: a) encryption is on by default, and/or b) flushing the database after, say, six months.

    Apr 27, 03:12 PM
    As stated earlier, which you conveniently ignored, I found the article on the Drudge Report. Am I not allowed to read the Drudge Report? Should I keep it exclusively to HuffPo in the future? I read them both, but you tell me how I should do it.

    So typical, focus on the messenger and not on the message. Your guys posts are so littered with red herrings and strawmen its almost beyond imagination.

    Since the messenger (you) has expressed huge distaste for Obama on almost a daily basis, I'd say my assumptions are fair.

    Jul 15, 05:22 PM
    Too many people are complaining about rumored information that isn't even reliable, and most likely incorrect.

    I think we can look at what Apple has done with its other lineups this past year as a guide to the future. Based on what we've seen, I don't think Apple will be redesigning the Mac Pro case -- it's large enough to accommodate anything they wish to throw in there. I also think it's a great industrial design, physically alluding to the power within.

    The one question I do have is why is the Mac Pro the last to make this transition, why has it taken so long? Is it simply due to chip availability, is it due to some radical new design, or is it because the Mac Pro is Apple's flagship product and Apple is working long and hard to wedge in some great new technology?

    I'll be watching the announcement closely, although my Dual 2.5 GHz G5 (single core) handles everything I throw at it and has never ever given me reason to even want to upgrade. However, if the new Mac Pro hits 3 GHz I may be very tempted... if it doesn't, I'll wait it out. If the new high end Mac Pro doesn't go to 3 GHz like Dell and others, the Mac Pro will sink plenty fast.Well my Dual 2.5 GHz G5 was easily brought to it's knees once I started simultaneously recording EyeTV, Encoding DVD Images and Ripping MP4s from those Images. Thank GOD the Quad went refurb in early February and I was able to sell your model for $2500.

    In any event, I think we are all grasping at straws for the next three weeks waiting for Monday morning August 7. :confused: I'm sure there will be some sort of surprise. But I have no idea what that surprise will be. I'll be glad when it's over since we'll all be able to see much more clearly how the next year will be looking.

    Mar 31, 10:14 PM
    Probably what bothers me the most about the discourse that Android is open is the underlying logic that is an implicit (or perhaps really explicit, depending on who is touting that discourse) assumption that it is democratic, liberal, progressive, and for "the people" and thus prevents a "draconian future" from happening because instead of letting corporations dictate our digital worlds, the people will a) have a say in it and b) have a choice.


    This discourse makes a false link between software being open source and political ideology. The two are not necessarily corresponding. And furthermore, that Android is actually open source is highly debatable but I won't go there.

    Why do so many technophiles fall for the discourse that open means choice means freedom mean democracy discourse? It's all BALONEY! Google isn't really interested in protecting your freedom, democracy etc.. It's really interested in surviving and making money. Let's try not to fall AGAIN for that political cover.

    In this case, I find Apple much more honest. They don't talk about political ideologies like freedom, democracy etc. All they say is they want to make devices that are friendly and easy to use. They don't couch their products in political ideological terms.

    Dec 3, 07:40 PM
    I am excited about the rally, I haven't started that yet. I always loved the dirt and snow races in previous GT games.